Chapter 1
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapters 2 and 3
Chapter 3
T or F: One of the primary roles of management is investing money back into the business
What is False
T or F: Demand is the quantity of products that buyers are willing to purchase at various prices.
What is True
The United States is currently experiencing an international trade_________.
What is Deficit
T or F: While importing is widely practiced throughout the world, exporting is not.
What is False
T or F: Generally speaking, we find products more attractive at higher prices because we believe that other people find value in them.
What is False
When the United States experiences a slowdown in economic activity and GDP goes down for two consecutive quarters, it is called a(n)
What is a Recession
T or F: Business Ethics is the practice of competing fairly and declining to put your own interests above those of your company or its stakeholders.
What is True
The difference between a country's total outflows and inflows of money over a period of time is its
What is Balance of Payments
T or F: A strategic Alliance is a working partnership between companies in different countries who pool resources to achieve goals and benefits for both firms.
What is True
T or F: Differentiated products are those that serve several different purposes for different consumers.
What is False
________ involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling a company's resources so that it can achieve its goals.
What is Management
Clayton Moore must choose between taking actions that promote personal interests and the interests of others at work. The ethical issue that he's facing is characterized as a
What is Conflict of Interest
T or F: Ethical challenges arise in business because organizations have multiple stakeholders and because stakeholders make conflicting demands.
What is True
According to some experts, American business people are at a competitive disadvantage when they're prohibited from giving bribes or undercover payments to foreign officials or business people.
What is True
The use of private information about a company for personal financial benefit is called________
What is Insider Trading
T or F: Ultimately, the goal of any business is to satisfy the needs of its owner
What is False
Bernie Madoff convinced wealthy investors to give him large sums of money and promised them an 8% to 12% return a year. But he never really invested their money. Instead, he kept it for himself. What was his punishment
What is He received a 150-year jail sentence.
T or F: After the 1982 tampering incident, Johnson and Johnson reintroduced Tylenol in tamper-resistant bottles and restored the brand to its previous market position.
What is True
High domestic ____costs have made international contract manufacturing, or outsourcing, attractive to many U.S. companies.
What is Labor
The study of the economy as a whole is called ______
What is Macroeconomics
T or F: The economic system with the highest level of government control is communism
What is True
The U.S. Government uses _______ policy to regulate the money supply and interest rates.
What is Monetary Policy.
T or F: The federal government has a set minimum wage
What is True
Nations practice dumping in order to________
What is Sell off surpluses of domestic goods that can't be sold in the home country.
McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC restaurants, all of which operate in many different countries, are best characterized as _________ corporations
What is Multinational