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How did the director react to Bagels' performance?

The director was extremely happy about Bagels' performance. He wants Bagels to come back for the second show.


Which word on P.59 has similar meaning with "grin, smile"?



What is a "showstopper"?

a performer that wins so much applause that the show is stopped for a short time


Why do you think Bagels received a standing ovation from the audience?

Bagels performs very well. the show goes without a hitch. The audience use a standing ovation to show their appreciation.


What does "He steals every scene" mean?

It means Bagels attract the most attention in the play.


Use the correct for of a word on P.58 to fill in the blank.

The child gently.........the dog's head. 



Which phrase on P. 58 has the meaning "to spoil sth, or do it badly"?

mess up


What secret did Becky tell Josh when they were in the back seat of the car?

It was Creamcheese who was opening the doors and windows at their house in order to let Bagels out.


Find a word on P.55 to fill in the blank.

I had expected her to cry, maybe even ................., but she didn't.



When the director says that "Bagels can have top billing", What does he mean?

It means when the theatre advertises the show, Bagels will be the first on the list of performers. He is the star of the show.


Choose a word on P.58 to fill in the blank.

The show is very amusing and the ..........are very good.


Can you find a simile on P.59?

She beams like a flashlight.


Find a word on P.55 to fill in the blank.

Now that you are able to take up arms and ..........your motherland



What does it mean when an actor takes "a curtain call"?

An actor is asked to come on stage after the play is over, so the audience can express their appreciation with applause.

It's a special recognition of a job well done.


Find a word on P.59 to fill in the blank

She strongly.............he was lying to her.



Which is a classic music instrument, a cello or an electric guitar?

a cello


Josh tells Becky "Two stars were born tonight"

Who are the two stars and why can they be called stars?

Bagels (for his flying performance)

Becky (for her part as a Lost Boy)


At the beginning of this chapter, it seems as if everyone was mad at Bagels. Explain how each of the following characters reacted to this dog: 

Mrs. Bernstein,Peter Pan, Wendy, Michael, John, Mr. Bernstein

Mrs Bernstein told Bagels he was a bad dog.

Peter Pan was angry at him.

Wendy, Michael, John ran to their dressing rooms to cry.

Mr. Bernstein said perhaps it wasn't a good idea to get a dog.


What is a "closing night"?

the last night that a new play, film, etc. is shown to the public