True or False:
Both Matthew and Bailey were born in San Antionio.
Bailey and Matthew's favorite ice cream place.
Through what organization did they both meet?
Who was the first to tell the other they liked them?
What sandwich shop would the couple go to while dating but not dating?
Jason's Deli
Both Matthew and Bailey attending Bush Middle school.
What is Bailey and Matthew's favorite game to play
How long did they know each other before they started dating?
One Year
Who believes Christmas starts November 1st?
What musical artist have Matthew and Bailey seen in concert three times?
Flatland Cavalry
Which family member saw a picture of the other (Either Bailey or Matthew) and thought that they should date?
Jennifer Cochran
What is Bailey and Matthew's favorite thing to cook together
Chicken Alfredo
True or false: Matthew and Bailey have gone to both prom and homecoming together.
Who once helped plan a date for the other but with another person?
What dancehall did the couple go to on their one year anniversary?
Hint: It is extremely close to both of their houses.
Tejas Rodeo and Dancehall
Bailey or Matthew: Who when they were little was punched by their brother for poking him with a fork?
Bailey and Matthew's Favorite Comfort Movie
Hint: It is a Disney animated movie
What day is their anniversary.
June 10th
Who is lifeguard certified?
Where was the location of their first official date?
Eisenhower Park
What two sports did both Matthew and Bailey play before meeting each other?
Basketball and Track
Where is Bailey and Matthew's favorite place to go on dates?
How long have they been dating for?
Two and half years
Who gave the other their phone number, but it was never put into their contacts
Name the three state parks the couple has visited together.
Caprock Canyon, Palo Duro Canyon, and Lost Maples