If you get ISS, OSS, or DAEP, what will happen?
You won't be able to participate in fun campus events.
Words/Phrases/actions that display respect:
-yes ma'am/sir
-I'm sorry
-cleaning up after yourself
What does it mean to be prepared for class?
-You have all the materials you need
-Ready to participate in class
What is the Golden Rule?
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
How many tardies does it take to get lunch detention?
3 tardies in a week
(4 = after school detention)
(5 = ISS)
When someone tells you to stop or to leave them alone, what should you do?
Someone shares news with you, should you tell your friends?
No, it's not your place to say anything, good or bad.
Why can't we have our phones out during school?
-lowers academic performance
-inappropriate use (cyberbullying, inappropriate content, potential for cheating)
Can your best friend have other friends?
What does being considerate mean?
-Thinking about how your actions might affect others.
-clean/neat appearance
What does it mean to take care of school property?????
-respecting that computers are shared and expensive
-cleaning up after yourself at lunch and in the restroom
There are many reasons why you should keep your hands to yourself. Name at least two reasons why.
Sometimes playing around leads to annoying people.
If someone is already annoyed, things could lead to a fight.
We could accidently touch someone inappropriately.
Name two ways you can create a positive learning environment?
-asking questions
-asking for help
-Raising your hand, staying seated, indoor voices (not being distracting in class)
-working on assignment