What river turned to blood as part of the first plague?
The Nile
Why did Joseph go to prison?
Falsely accused of raping Potiphar's wife
Who talked to Moses thru the burning bush?
How many times did they march around Jericho?
What was the 4th plague?
Swarm of flies
Who's dreams did Joseph interpret while he was in prison?
The cup bearer and the baker.
From what country did Moses and the Israelites flee?
Who protected the spies from being captured?
Who was told to paint over their doors?
How does Joseph get out of prison?
He interpreted Pharaoh"s dreams.
What sea did Moses and the Israelites cross?
The Red (Reed) Sea
What color was the ribbon that was hoisted down out the window?
The ribbon was red.
What animals blood is used to paint over the door?
Unblemished lamb blood
What did the Pharaoh's represent?
It represented 7 years of surplus, then 7 years of famine.
What did Moses's staff turn into?
A snake
Who led the Israelites into Jericho?
What were the 10 plagues in order?
1. Blood river
2. Frogs
3. Flies
4. Gnats
5. Live stock
6. Boils
7. Fire & hail
8. Locusts
9. Darkness
10. Death of first born Egyptian
How does Joseph become Pharaoh's right hand man?
He interprets his dreams and saved Egypt from famine.
What did crossing the Jordan river mean for the Israelites?
It meant they had left the wilderness and into the land God promised them.
The Ark of The Covenant.