What activity is used when the reconciliation and premiums received do not match, but is within 98% and 102% matching?
What is Force Post?
What area under an MCP can we verify whether a group pays current or arrears?
What is Billing Set Up Info?
This is the email queue that all balancing emails should be routed through.
What is BA-Payments?
This is the sheet where we filter to our assigned workload for the day
what is Details?
This reconciliation can be received with paper checks and is a listing of each employee and deduction amount.
What are Paper Deduction Registers?
When a bookkeeper need their invoice "unlocked" for further processing, what is the correct status to place the invoice in?
What is "R" status?
What function in Mainframe do we use to key in suspense to transfer to Flex or Annuities?
What is SUSP?
This is the template that should be used to advise a bookkeeper that a payment does not match the reconciliation received.
What is Billing: Missing Payment Information Notice?
This is the sheet where we add notes to each invoice to indicate progress or actions taken
What is the Balancing Input Form?
This reconciliation is received electronically either by email or via OSC Upload and is in a format for a Microsoft Office Application
What is an Excel Payroll File?
This is the report that must be keyed by the end of the day to report any transfers in and out of OIPA.
What is the SQL report?
What function in Mainframe do we use to add comments to an employer group account?
What is MCPS?
When sending an email, what email address should the "From" line show?
What is BA-Balancing (wg-billadmin-balancing@Americanfidelity.com)?
This is the correct status that indicates we are currently working on balancing the invoice, but have not yet taken action
What is Working?
This reconciliation can either be uploaded via the OSC or sent through the mail. It is a printout of the online bill with manual changes made.
What is a Worked Bill?
What activity spawns to show that premiums have been sent to Mainframe once reconciliation has completed?
What is List Bill Payment to External System?
When keying suspense to send to Annuities, what is the correct sub-account to use to designate the premiums as Annuities premiums?
What is C2?
What is the correct case status that should be used to indicate the case is being received and is being processed once it is claimed?
What is working status?
This is the sheet where we can review past invoices to establish a pattern of force posting
What is Workflow History?
This reconciliation is received when the bookkeeper goes online and makes changes to the bill, but no discrepancies are immediately reported
what is Online reconciliation?
What activity spawns when changes are made to the bill?
What is Invoice Changes?
This bill type is administered entirely in Mainframe and the employer is responsible for all administrative functions except claims payment
What is Co-Admin Billing?
These are the 2 required items on every email form the Actions and Recommendations section.
What are "Search For Account" & "Add Case Issues"?
This is the number of times we attempt to contact the bookkeeper before moving the status to Supervisor Review
What is 2 times?
This new type of reconciliation is received when the bookkeeper goes online and makes changes to the bill and discrepancies are immediately reported.
What is Express Billing?