Minority Rights
Court Cases
Majority Rights
What it have to do with me?(Bonus)

In which article of the constitution are minority rights discusses and protected.

What is Article V(5)


Court case that dealt with the constitutionality of segregation in public places, specifically regarding a Louisiana law that required separate railway cars for African Americans and Whites.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson(1896)


Where in the constitution is Majority rule/right discussed?

 What is Articles 1,2, and 3


What do  Majority-Minority districts do for citizens? 

 What is.. It makes it easier for citizens of a racial or ethnic minority to elect a representative who reflects their concerns, and to prevent their from not being heard when spread across several different districts


The normal individual rights that are applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or gender parties/groups.

What is  Minority rights


In which supreme court case did the court rule that laws banning interracial marriage violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.?

What is Loving v. Virginia(1967)

The principle that the group which has the most supporters get to decide the rules that all will be compelled to abide by.

What is Majority Rights


If you know you weren't speeding on the highway but two officers decided that they just swear they saw you speeding, could you go against that in court or will you be receiving that ticket.

What is ... Your getting that speeding ticket


What do Minority rights cover? ( Must name a minimum of 3)

  What is protection of existence, protection from discrimination and persecution, protection and promotion of identity, and participation in political life


What supreme court case mostly argued about Minority rights and ruled that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts.

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)


What does Majority rule establish within the government?

What is Seperation of Powers


Who wins if someone decides that you shouldn't be allowed to cook at future family reunions if the ruling is 16-yes to 32-no?

What is... No. Your not cooking..