What time does Baltazar wake up?
He wakes up at 6:00 a.m.
What tool does Baltazar use to cut straw?
A sickle
How long does it take Baltazar to climb to the glaciers of Chimborazo?
7 hours
What does Baltazar take with him to eat during the climb?
Candies, tostado, Artesan style blue bird, habas cocinadas
How much does Baltazar sell each block of ice for?
How many times a week does Baltazar climb Chimborazo?
Twice a week.
What tools does Baltazar use to cut ice at the glacier?
An ax, a crowbar, and a shovel
Where does Baltazar sell the ice after he returns home?
At the La Merced and San Alfonso markets
When does Baltazar eat candies, tostado, pájaro azul, and habas cocinadas?
During his walk
What do people love to enjoy made with Chimborazo ice?
What is the first thing Baltazar does when he wakes up?
He puts on his rubber boots.
How does Baltazar keep the ice cool during the climb?
He wraps the ice in straw using a rope.