fateen kan bystghl eh fe 7arameya fe Thailand
fastest hattrick in premier league ?
first animal in space and its name
Dog Laika
Duetto Song and singers
how many bones in shark body
ana mama yala , film eh we meen ?
An3am salosa fe el7arb el 3alameya el talta
Which country is the birthplace of tennis?
How many years did the 100 years war last
Most viewed song on YouTube
Only letter not found in periodic table
el ostaz Mahmoud Yanni, el kanah el 3 el yabaneya keda !! Meen alha fe film eh
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What is the length of an Olympic swimming pool
50 M
What do the stripes on the American flag represent?
13 original colonies
meen ghana sheel da men da
May Kassab
What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
Tinker bell
Esm mohamed henedy el roba3y fe fool el seen el 3azim
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What are the colors of the Olympic Rings
Blue, yellow, black, green, and red.
last king in Egypt
Fouad II
Hossam Habib first album ?
Color of blackbox in airplane
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gawaz be karar gomhoory
How many numbers are on a dartboard?
How many countries were in the Soviet Union
Most awarded song of All time
Shallow by Lady Gaga X Bradley Cooper
how many keys in classic piano