What is the most common time signature?
Explain a repeat sign
Go back to the beginning and play again
Name a song that we play 4/4 Time Signature
Four Chorales
Space Rock
What tempo is Allegro?
What song do we play that has a 3/4 Time signature?
Star Spangled Banner
What song has a staccato mark and what does a staccato mean?
Play the note shorter than it's intended value
Name the tempo that is "walking speed"
In 2/4 Time, what note value gets one beat?
1/4 note
What song do we play in 2/2 or cut time?
Yankee Doodle
Moderato means what?
Medium or "Moderate"
What note gets one beat in 2/2 time?
1/2 note
Explain how a first and second ending work
Start at the beginning and play through the first ending. Go back to the repeat sign and play through but take the second ending the second time
Name a song that we play that has more than one tempo
Atlantis Overture
What is the "nickname" for 2/2 time and why?
Cut time
Name a song that has a "pickup note" and explain how a pickup note works
Star Spangled Banner, America, Finlandia, etc.
The note at the beginning is part of the last measure of the song. if you combine the pickup note with the last measure it will equal one full measure