What 3 families of instruments do we have in band?
Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion
How many beats does a whole note get?
4 beats
How many concerts will we perform this year?
Name two components of good posture
Feet flat on the floor, back straight, no two body parts touching, shoulders back, etc.
What is Mr. Lauzier's main instrument?
The bassoon belongs to which family of instruments?
How many beats does a quarter note get?
1 beat
Name one song played by 8th grade last year:
Many answers will work here
What tells us how many beats are in a measure?
Time Signature
What college(s) did Mr. Lauzier go to?
Southern New Hampshire Univeristy
What is the beginning of a note called?
Articulation / Attack
How many beats does a SINGULAR eight note get?
half a beat
Who is our current choir teacher?
Mrs. Ouellette
Finish the phrase. If you can clap it, __________
you can play it
What instrument does Mr. Lauzier's sister play?
The Horn belong to which instrument family?
How many beats does a dotted half note get?
3 beats
What are we expected to have each class?
Instrument, music, pencil
Name a machine that beats time
What is Mr.Lauzier's dog's name?
How many beats does a dotted quarter note get?
1.5 beats
What day was our last concert on, or our next concert?
Last concert - Dec - 5
Next concert - March - 20
Name three different types of articulation
Stacatto, Legato, Accent, Marcato, Slurred, Etc
What is Mr.Lauzier's favorite animal?