This is how many notes are in the musical alphabet
What is 7?
What is A#?
This key signature has two flats
What is Bb?
This is what you should do if your instrument is sharp
What is pull out?
The other name for a treble clef is this
What is G Clef?
What is Gb?
This note always gets the first sharp in a key signature
This instrumentalist can control the band’s tempo more than the conductor
Who is a bass drummer?
The 5 lines used to show notes is called this
What is a staff
What is D#
A chromatic scale is made up entirely of these intervals
What are half steps?
This pitched instrument is the only instrument in band that is not in the key of C, Bb, or Eb
What is a French Horn?
The symbol used to play a note short and very LOUD is this
What is a Marcato?
What is C?
The first four flats spell this word in the key signature
What is "BEAD?"
The term D.C means to do this in the piece
What is go back to the beginning?
These are used to show notes above/below the staff
What is a staff?
F double flat
What is Eb?
This is how many major scales there are
What is 12 OR 15?
A sfz tells the band to play like this
What is suddenly loud?