Ethics Shmethics
Famous Debtors
Consumer Report(er)
Commercial Break
House Rules

Lawyers use this to identify whether or not a client can be represented by them or the firm as a whole.

What is a conflict check? 


Without this Debtor, we would live in a whole new world and there would be no happiest place on Earth.

Who is Walt Disney (Laugh-O-Gram Studio)?


A chapter 13 debtor with two vehicles financed with a loan agreement containing cross collateralization clause must do this.

What is propose a plan with the same treatment for both vehicles? 

Evolve Federal Credit Union v. Barragan—Flores (In re Barragan—Flores), 585 B.R. 397 (W.D. Tex. 2018) (Reversing the bankruptcy court’s decision).


These agreements are negotiated by debtors and their sophisticated key creditors to secure their votes on a pre-negotiated Chapter 11 plan of reorganization.

What is a restructuring agreement?



The best judges in San Antonio. 

Who are Judge King and Judge Gargotta? 


Required action if a lawyer determines that his or her employment is illegal or violates the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. 

What is mandatory withdrawal?


Debtor who recorded the IRS Tapes: Who will buy my memories.

Who is Willie Nelson? 


This act applies to non-judicial foreclosures. 

What is the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act?

Obduskey v. Wells Fargo, 879 F.3d 1216 (10th Cir. 2018), cert. granted, Obduskey v. McCarthy & Holthus LLP, 138 S.Ct. 2710 (June 28, 2018) (No. 17-1307) (Oral arguments occurred on Jan. 7, 2019).


Judge Jernigan recently issued a 55 page report that the Fifth Circuit relied on to dismiss an appeal on this basis. 

What is Chapter 11 Trustee Immunity?

Baron v. Sherman, No. 18-10182


This is the Texas Disciplinary Rule dealing with confidentiality of information. 

What is Rule 1.05?


The formal name for where lawyers find ethics rules.

What are Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct? 


Professional Boxer, supporting actor in the "Hangover," and face tattoo enthusiast. 

Who is Mike Tyson?


An individual may invoke this right in a bankruptcy case when asked to produce certain documents.

What is the Fifth Amendment privilege?

In re HJH Consulting Grp., Inc., No. 18-50788 2018 WL 4090594 (Bankr. W.D. Tex. Aug. 24, 2018).


Buffet chain owners dodged 833 percent post-confirmation increase in trustee fees in this recent case.

What is In re Buffets LLC et al., No. 16-50557, 2019 WL 518318 (Bankr. W.D. Tex. Feb. 8, 2019)?


In the Fifth Circuit, courts look here for the applicable standards of professional conduct for lawyers appearing in federal court. 

What are the local rules?


Most common type of attorney grievance filed in Texas. 

What is failure to communicate? 


This singer/songwriter is a girl who just wanted to have fun, but sadly had to file bankruptcy. 

Who is Cindy Lauper?


This type of defense is available when a party violates a debtor's discharge injunction.

What is a good faith defense? 

Lorenzen v. Taggart (In re Taggart) 888 F.3d 438 (9th Cir. 2018), cert. granted¸ Taggart v. Lorenzen, 2019 WL 98543 (Jan. 4, 2019) (No. 18-489)


The act of filing a proof of claim constitutes this on behalf of the Creditor and should be considered before the Creditor files a claim.

What is consent to jurisdiction? 

Langenkamp v. Culp, 498 U.S. 42, 45 (1990); Gulf States Exploration Co. v. Manville Forest Prod. Corp. (In re Manville Forest Prod. Corp.), 896 F.2d 1384, 1389 (2d Cir. 1990); In re Residential Capital, LLC, 2016 WL 4082712 (S.D.N.Y. July 28, 2016)).


The name of the Texas Disciplinary Rule dealing with honesty in front of the court found at Rule 3.03.

What is candor toward the tribunal? 


Courts have held that counsel must make full and frank disclosures of material facts when asking for this type of relief. 

What are ex parte orders?


This famous debtor skated her way into bankruptcy. 

Who is Dorthy Hamill


A deadline imposed by the court can be on this type of day.

What is a holiday?

Smart-Fill Mgmt. Grp., Inc. v. Froilland (In re Froiland), 589 B.R. 309 (Bankr. W.D. Tex. 2018). 


This is the best commercial bankruptcy reference in a sitcom. 

What is "the Office?"


This Bankruptcy Code provision prohibits lawyers representing a committee from representing any other entity having an adverse interest. 

What is Rule 1103?