Understanding Addiction
Hydration and Kidney Health
Know my Meds

These are the months of Alaska's allergy season.

What is May through September?


This area of the brain is involved in decision making

What is the prefrontal cortex?


True or false when it comes to getting hydrated all fluids like juice, tea, soup, coffee count

What is true?

The lovable town drunk in the Andy Griffeth Show

Who is Otis Campbell?


Taken together with calcium, this medication important especially in Alaska helps protect older adults from osteoporosis

What is Vitamin D?


True or false, the cottonwood "fluff" that we see in late June to mid-July is pollen

What is false, the fluff is not pollen, it is the means of dispersing seed.  


Long term damage from drug and alcohol use to the prefrontal cortex takes a certain period to repair.  

What is two years?


True or false when it comes to checking the hydration status of your urine, darker is always better.  

What is false.  Color should be yellow, straw color but not completely clear.  

This vitamin is given if you have Wenicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?

What is Thiamine (B1)?


If your PA or NP is working with someone to quit smoking and is starting a nicotine patch you should start with a 14 mg patch daily if your a light smoker of this many cigarettes/day 

What is less than 10 cigarettes per day

moderate smokers 10-29 per day - 21 mg patch

Heavy >29 cpd, start with 21 mg and a 7mg patch


This type of medication (Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec) bocks a signaling chemical.  

What are antihistamines?


Percent of overall population at risk for AUD or SUD?

What is 10%?  


The average adult loses about how many cups of water daily.  

What is 10 cups?


Name 2 foods that have thiamine

What are Legumes, Whole Grain Bread and Pasta, Fortified Breakfast Cereal, Liver, Salmon, sunflower seeds, ham?


this medication is similar to Benadryl and is uses for nausea, anxiety, sleep and one should drink plenty of fluids while taking.  

What is hydroxyzine?


Repetitive use of these are known to cause your nose stuffiness and swelling to worsen?

What are decongestants?

Decongestants reduce nose stuffiness by shrinking swollen membranes in the nose.  (Sudafed, Afrin, Phenylephrine)


Risk Factors that increase chance of developing an addiction to alcohol or drugs (There are 5 I'm looking for but name at least 2)

What is a family history of AUD or SUD
Starting to use at younger age

ACE (Adverse childhood experiences)
High tolerance (your body lets you over consume)
Dual Diagnosis (mental health and AUD or SUD)


This group of individuals need more water because they do not concentrate urine well, and they usually drink less because they do not detect thirst well.  

What are seniors or those of advanced age?


This medication is often given if you have pre-diabetes...don't think most popular!  You may see weight loss while it improves your overall blood sugar.  

What is metformin?


This medication is helpful for THC use disorder, neuropathy from diabetes, pain, seizures

What is gabapentin?


Type of allergy shot or allergy therapy that expose you over time to gradual increments of your allergens.  It helps you learn to tolerate it rather and reacting with those annoying allergy symptoms.  

What is immunotherapy?


To be part of the 80-90% that will achieve recovery in 5 years per the authors of Understanding Addiction these are the things that need to take place (7 of them, name at least 3)

What are
abstinence monitoring
coping skills

MH care
12-step or some kind of support group
Medical Care
Healthy living


If my urine is cloudy, I might have...

What is a urinary tract infection or STD/STI?


This is diagnosed when a client has three or more of these conditions:
High blood glucose (sugar)
Low levels of HDL (good cholesterol) 

High levels of triglycerides in the bloos
Large waste circumference or "apple shaped" body
High blood pressure

What is metabolic syndrome?

Comes in a sublingual strip or SL tablet and very important for opioid use disorder/cravings

What is Suboxone or buprenorphine?

Contains naloxone which protects from OD

other names Subutex