The living God is without ______
(Isaiah 6:3)
What happens after receiving Jesus as our Savior?
Saved and born again into God's family
True or False
We become Christians by baptism
Can we be saved if we do good things?
We ___ Him because He first ____ us.
(1 John 4:19)
We love Him because He first loved us.
a. Holy Spirit
b. Jesus
c. God
Holy Spirit
What are the 10 special laws from God
10 Commandments
What does submerging under the water in baptism resemble?
Our old selves have died with Christ (symbolizes dying to sin)
The Bible encourages us to grow our spiritual life like _______
What is the Bible?
The Bible is the Word of God
What did Jesus do for you?
Die on the cross
Why must we read the Bible
So we can guard against evil and know God and His eternal plan
What does emerging out of the water in baptism mean?
We are freed and owe sin nothing because we are in Jesus's likeness
What are we in God's family?
Children of God
What do you have to do to appropriate salvation? (Step 1)
Recognize and admit that you are a sinner
What is justification?
Declared righteous by God
(Romans 5:1 Therefore since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ)
What do we receive by believing in Jesus?
True or False
Baptism marks the beginning of your church life
In John 15:1-4
I am the true vine, and my Father is the ________
A sinner by nature and by acting
What is another name for the Spirit of Truth?
Holy Spirit
What are the 4 things you can talk to God about? (ACTS)
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
Name one person baptized in the Bible
Ethiopian eunuch, Philippians Jailer, Jesus
What does "amen" mean in Hebrew?