At what age do Jewish children celebrate their bar/bat mitzvahs?
Age 12 or 13
Where are their ceremonies celebrated?
In the synagogue
What is the Jewish Ceremonial Art called?
What is the traditional Jewish dance at bar/bat mitzvah called?
The Hora
Were boys and girls subjected to the same commandments?
What does “Mitzvah” mean?
How do they prepare for their ceremonies?
They prepare in religious schools by studying
How many branches are there on the temple menorah?
7 branches
What is something that they do during the Hora?
Lifting of the chair with the bar/bat mitzvah on it
When did the Bar/Bat mitzvah ceremony truly emerge?
The 13th century
When does a bar/bat mitzvah typically take place?
After sundown on a saturday night or sunday morning
What do the boys put on for the first time during their ceremony?
The Tellfin
What is the traditional amount of increments to give?
Who does the Bar/Bat Mitzvah dance with?
Another word for bar/bat mitzvah
S’udat Mitzvah
What does the ceremony of bar/bat mitzvah mark?
Becoming a Jewish adult
What do the Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s read from during their ceremony
The Torah
What is a common pendant found on a Jewish necklace?
The star of David
Why do parents say a toast after the Horah?
To thank everyone for coming
When were girls Bat Mitzvah recognized publicly?
The 19th Century
What do these boys and girls become responsible for after their bar/bat mitzvah?
Their actions and how they would like to practice Judaism
What does the Bat Mitzvah (Girl) do during their ceremony
Separate Challah dough
Where is a mezuzah placed?
On the right doorpost of Jewish homes
What does the lifting of the chair represent?
Being closer to a spiritual place or people not being able to do anything without the support of others
What is the significance of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
Public Recognition of a new religion status