During what age does someone have a bar / bat mitzvah?
In what year was the first publicly celebrated BAT mitzvah?
(Your response can be up to 5 years off)
What do we do to show we are ready to take on the responsibility of helping the world around us?
Mitzvah Project.
Literally "going up", it is the term used for being called up to the Torah
The specific torah portion that is read each week.
What does Bar Mitzvah Mean?
Son of the Commandments
Judith Kaplan
What do some boys wear for the first time during their Bar Mitzvah?
A scroll with the 5 books of Moses - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Prayer book
What does Bat Mitzvah mean?
Daughter of the Commandments
What does the candy often thrown at a bar / bat mitzvah represent?
Wishing for a "Sweet life"
Where would the Aliyah take place today?
Usually a Synagogue, but it can be elsewhere as long as there is a group of 10 adults and a torah.
A reading from the additional books of Jewish thought.
Prayer shawl that is worn during services when the Torah is read.
TRUE OR FALSE: Bar / Bat Mitzvahs must be on Shabbat
False, they can also be Monday or Thursday when the Torah is read.
True or False: B. Mitzvah is a commandment from the Torah.
False: Bar Mitzvah was not a biblical practice. It was introduced during the rabbinic period as a rite where a father, who is satisfied he has raised a son ready to live an engaged Jewish life, comes before his community and recites a blessing in which the father frees himself from monitoring his son's Jewish practices.
Why do we give a D'var Torah?
To share what we have learned and begin to accept the responsibility as a Jewish adult.
Yarmulkah/Head Covering
Ritual items (small boxes on leather wraps) that are worn on the forehead and arm.
Which text is read during bar / bat mitzvahs?
A reading from the Torah and a Haftorah
What was the Jewish coming of Age ceremony called before B. Mitzvah?
Mordecai ben Hillel, a 14th-century scholar, was the first to use the term “bar mitzvah” to refer to someone over the age of 13. Prior to this, terms such as “gadol” (adult) or “bar onshin” (one who is accountable for their own actions) were used.
Is a party a part of what we do?
There is a custom of serving a s’udat mitzvah, a meal celebrating the performance of a mitzvah, that began in the middle ages. The importance of celebrating the mitzvah is there; people choose the level of celebration, with more families choosing deeper Jewish connections as part of their celebrations.
Group of 10 that is needed to hold a service.