Mens facial Massage and Treatment
Chemical and Texture Services
Anatomy and Physiology

Fibrous tissues that have the ability to stretch and contract to produce body movements

What are Muscles


the science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of matter and how matter changes under different chemical reactions

what is chemistry

the field is divided into two areas, organic and inorganic chemistry


The process used to chemically restructure natural hair into a different wave pattern

what is permanent or chemical waving

most permanent waving services are performed to change straight or wavy hair into curly hair.

it is not matter because it does not occupy space or have mass; it moves through or across matter and space

What is electricity

Electricity is a form of energy that produces physical, magnetic, chemical or thermal effects when in motion


the study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures

what is physiology

ending "ology" means the study of


The main sources of blood supply to the head, face, neck; located at the sides of the neck

What are the common carotids (will accept carotid arteries)

Anything that occupies space and has mass

what is matter

matter has physical and chemical properties and exists in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas

Chemically rearranges the basic structure of overly curly hair into a straighter hair form

what is Chemical Hair Relaxing (will accept Relaxing)


any substance, material, or medium that conducts electricity

what is a conductor

most metals, carbon, the human body and watery solutions of acids and salts are good conductors


the study of the human body structures 

what is anatomy 

it is the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts


A particular massage manipulation that is a stroking movement. It is a light, continuous movement that should be applied in a slow and rhythmic manner over the skin with no pressure

What is Effleurage


a chemical reaction in the form of heat

what is an exothermic reaction


The number of hair strands in one square inch on the head

What is Density


a nonconductor, or substance that does not easily transmit electricity

what is an insulator

rubber, silk, dry wood, glass and cement are good insulators


the basic unit of all living things

what is a cell(s)

ex. bacteria, plants, animals, as well as human beings. Without cells, life does not exist


This is used to facilitate deep pore cleaning

What is Desincrustation.

During this process each electrode is wrapped in wet cotton and the active electrode is applied to the oily areas of the face for 3 to 5 minutes


a physical reaction of two immiscible liquids held together by an emulsifying agent

what is emulsion


Cold Waves were developed when?

When is the 1940's (1941 to be exact) 

the unit that measures electrical pressure, which pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor

what is a volt

this is similar to the way water pressure pushes water molecules through a hose


the watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of the cell and is needed for growth, reproduction, and self-repair

what is cytoplasm 


This is the process of using light exposure to treat certain conditions of the skin and scalp

What is Light Therapy

Ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, and more currently LEDs are used to produce different therapeutic effects on the skin.


is a substance that allows oil and water to mix or emulsify by reducing surface tension

what is a surfactant

a surfactant molecule has two distinct parts: a head (that is water loving; hydrophilic) and a tail (that is oil loving; lipophilic)


How many relaxer types are there?

what is two

Thio and hydoxide relaxers


The standard unit of measuring the strength or rate of an electric current in a conductor

what is an amp

just as a water hose must be able to expand as the amount of water flowing through it increases, so an electric wire must expand with an increase in the number of electrons (amps). 

the usual process of cell production

what is mitosis


an electrical appliance that produces and projects moist, uniform steam that can be positioned over sections of the head or face for softening and cleansing purposes

what is a steamer 


an atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge

what is an ion


a soft perm, Jheri curl or simply a curl, is a process to used to reconstruct very curly hair into a larger curl pattern

what is a curl reformation

The unit of electrical resistance in an electrical current

what is an ohm

unless the electrical resistance in an electric current is stronger than the resistance, the current will not flow through the wire


a collection of similar cells that perform a particular function

what is tissue

connective, adipose, epithelial, muscle and nerve are all examples of our body's tissue


a thick, smooth, nongranular exfoliating cream, usually pink in color, and has been used in barbershops for decades

What are Rolling Creams


what does potential hydrogen stand for

what is pH


the diameter of a single strand or piece of hair

what is texture

fine, medium and coarse


the unit of power that indicates how much electrical energy is being used in 1 second

what is a watt

ex: a 40 watt bulb, uses 40 watts of energy/second


physical fundation of the body, composed of 206 bones

what is our skeletal system

varying in shapes and size and connected to movable and immovable joints