Activity Plans
Site Safety
America Reads
Behavior management

How many questions should be prepared to show mastery?

3 - 5 questions


how many adults should be in the room with children at all times 



Name of site manager 

Christin Harbinson


Where is the treasure box located at site 

in the closet 


You have a pair of students at different skill levels. How could you incorporate them both into activities

- separate worksheets on the same topic

- assign roles that fit the strength of the individual student

- see if student will fit better with another tutor


What date should be put on your AP 

The day the AP will be implemented 


Children and adults can use the same bathrooms on site  (true or false)



points lost for a first time absence

1 point 


Your student is refusing to do any of their work, what would you do to incentivize them?

- Use specific interest (outside games/art/subject specific)

- game that doesn't feel like school work (online games, arts and crafts)

- have them work with a partner or in large groups


A student is running around the room with scissors, and refuses to put them down, how would you deescalate the situation?

- Act calmly 

- grab other tutor

- incentives student with another object or activity


Who approves mastered standards 

Sup or LT


True or false 

It is okay to follow a student on social media if they are no longer in the program 



Name of Program Coordinator 

Marc Krell


your student is consistently talking to other classmates and blurting out phrases to make them laugh. What do you do?  

- move student to different location

- do not give positive attention

- pull student aside and talk to them if interruptions are continuous 


Your student tells you that another classmate is saying inappropriate things to them about their mom. What would you do?

- Ask student in private what happened

- have another tutor talk to the other student involved

- write incident report

- talk to parents


True or false 

If a student dose not complete their AP during the session you have to move on to the next standard 



What is the code for the adult bathrooms 



Names of America Reads 4 stars

Excellence, Engagement, Professionalism, Safety


Your student is restless and having trouble focusing on the activity. What would you do? 

- switch up the activity

- incorporate hands on activities

- change of scenery (stand up/ move to a new spot)  


You have a student who is very negative and consistently talks about wanting to drop out of school and live in a box. What would you do?

- report to SUP

- ask student how they are feeling at the begging of each session (gauge how the lesson will go) 

- give the student more options of choice ( what activity to start with, type of book, type of reward) 


Where can you find the student standards online 

America reads canvas

 > tutor resources

       > resource book


a child fell on the playground and has a cut that's pouring blood. How would you handle the situation?

- have child wash cut off ( don't touch blood )

- get band aid from first aid kit (wear gloves)

- write an incident report


When was America reads created?



Your student is not wanting to take their assessment. What are some strategies you would use? 

- incentives (stickers, games, going outside)

- have student move on and come back to question

- take small breaks 

(make not if student is just guessing)


You have a student who is on the spectrum and easily gets upset with others, routine changes and misunderstandings. What are some things you would do to counteract this?

- routines (start and end the same way)

- student can sit at the back of the room or face a wall (less stimulation)

- timers to show transitions

- learn their interest and incorporate them into activities 

- (depends on student) - always explain things in detail of why the student needs to do something to avoid confusion