What does the "B" stand for?
Be There, Be Ready
What does the "A" stand for?
Accept Responsibility
What does the "R" stand for?
Respect Self and Others
What does K and S stand for in BARKS?
Also what is an example of both?
Kindness and Strive for Success
Answers may vary
How many sides does a triangle have?
TRUE or FALSE: "Be there, be ready" means that you are on time for class.
How do you accept responsibility in the bathroom?
Use it in a timely manner
Clean up after yourself
How do you respect self and others in the hallway?
Give everyone their personal space
Single file line
Remain Silent
What are three actions you can do that are kind?
Hold a door, smile at someone, give a compliment.(etc.)
How many bones are in the human body?
(Hint: Triple Digits)
"Be There, Be Ready" in the hallway looks like...
Remain silent
Going to where you are you supposed to be going and return to class
What does it mean to accept responsibility in the classroom?
Know that you are responsible for your own learning
Being an active learner
Clean up after yourself
What does it mean to respect self and others in the classroom?
Raise your hand
Do not interrupt
Say excuse me!
Treat other how you want to be treated
How can you respond kind when someone is being rude?
I can always remember the truth and even if someone is telling me I am ugly or I am rude, I will know who I am.
What is the largest state in America?
Imagine that you enter the gym and see a brand new basketball goal and basketballs. You're so excited to play! What should you do next?
Stay quiet and wait for your teacher to give instructions
Imagine that you are in the hallway walking to go to the library. You see a friend and they start talking to you. What should you do?
Keep walking and stay quiet in the hallway
Imagine that you are in the gym and your friend beat you in a race. What do you do?
DON'T get upset... show good sportsmanship
What are some words of encouragement that you could give someone to help them "strive for success?"
They could give ideas of how the person could improve in a certain area so that they can get closer to accomplishing their goal, or even just say "You got this!"
How many bones do sharks have?
TRUE or FALSE: You are showing the "B" by sitting at you desk and talking when the teacher is talking.
TRUE or FALSE: You are showing the "A" by telling a teacher when another student is not doing their work.
TRUE or FALSE: When another student answers a incorrectly, you should correct them so they learn the right answer.
Who's job is that?
What does BARKS stand for?
Be there, Be ready
Accept responsibility
Respect self and others
Keep it positive
Strive for Success
Compared to their body weight, what animal is the strongest - Dung Beetle, Elephant, Ant, or Cow
A dung beetle is not only the world's strongest insect but also the strongest animal on the planet compared to body weight. They can pull 1,141 times their own body weight.