Large, irregularly shaped pearl
Name This Artwork
The Calling of Saint Matthew
The first woman to be accepted into the Academy of Art
Artemisia Gentileschi
Why was "David" originally placed against the wall in a museum?
Parts of the back of the sculpture and David's heel were unfinished.
The Baroque Era originated in :
Florence, Italy
Define: Tenebrism
Extreme contrast between dark and light
Who sculpted "David"
What painting did Rembrandt paint himself in?
The Blinding of Samson
What does David's right foot signify?
Him coming into "our" world
What year did the Baroque Era begin?
How many light sources are in the majority of Baroque Artworks?
What did "David" stand as a symbol for?
The Catholic Church/ Counter Reformation
Name of Art and Artist:
van Dyck; Crowning of Thorns
What is inside the boys' water, and what is its' purpose?
A fig - to sweeten and keep the water fresh
Baroque Art was designed to evoke:
How many lions are in "Daniel and the Lions"?
Purpose of Judith Beheading Holofernes?
Female empowerment and vengeance
What was Rembrandt's most violent and Baroque painting of his entire career?
The Blinding of Samson
Name of this artwork and artist:
Crossing the Red Sea
What did literature and artwork usually depict watersellers as?
Beggars/cheats/argumentative with customers
Define: Waterseller, and where were they prominent in?
a street vendor who sold water, prominent in Seville.
What two parts were painted later into this painting:
The boys in the window and the dog
Where is God in "Crossing the Red Sea?"
The pillar of smoke and fire
Who is the mistress in "Love Letter" based upon?
Vermeer's wife
to stress for artwork to evoke emotion and have the viewer be engaged in the artwork.