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a style of painting and sculpture developed about the mid-18th century in which figures and scenes are depicted as they are experienced or might be experienced in everyday life.
What is realism?
The painting in which Jesus summons Levi to the discipleship.
What is The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio?
“Exaggerated classical elements, geometrical shapes such as ovals and trapezoids, convex and concave façades”
What are the elements of baroque art ?
https://goo.gl/T5hJdT The name of this famous Baroque painting.
What is Las Meninas?
Still life, landscape, courtly scenes, flowers
What is Common subjects of Domestic Paintings
a style of painting developed by Caravaggio and other 17th-century Spanish and Italian artists, characterized by predominantly dark tones and shadows with dramatically contrasting effects of light.
What is tenebrism?
The style used in Baroque Music in which the descriptive imagery of the text is reflected in the shape of the melodic line.
What is the Representative Style?
On this building it says: “Beneath is laid the builder of this church and city. If you seek a monument look around you.”
What is St. Paul’s Cathedral ?
The architect that rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral after the Great Fire of London.
Who is Christopher Wren?
The Dutch didn’t have big public spaces and the Dutch middle class gained wealth
What is the reason that domestic art became very popular in the Netherlands?
the act or process of making designs or pictures on a metal plate, wood, glass, etc., by the corrosive action of an acid
What is etching?
In the story behind Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith saves this country. ( https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.198867035.0813/flat,800x800,075,t.u1.jpg )
What is Israel?
Louvre Palace was initially designed by him.
Who is Bernini ?
https://goo.gl/gV5KcK The name of the city this famous cathedral is in.
What is Mexico City?
https://goo.gl/c5NiKB The name of this domestic painting done by Johannes Vermeer.
What is Officer and Laughing Girl?
A still-life painting of a 17th-century Dutch genre containing symbols of death or change as a reminder of their inevitability. Sub-genre of Memento Mori.
What is Vanitas?
In the story behind Milo of Crotona by Puget, Milo challenges this character to wrestle. ( http://images.wookmark.com/381496_wookmark.jpg )
Who is Apollo?
Louis Le Vau, François d'Orbay, Charles Le Brun, André Le Nôtre Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Robert de Cotte
Who are the architects of Palace of Versailles
The name of the two main charactera in a famous opera composed by Henry Purcell that tells the romantic relationship between the Queen of Carthage and a Trojan hero.
Who are Dido and Aeneas?
https://goo.gl/DnWEaS The painter of this famous Dutch Golden Age painting.
Who is Johannes Vermeer?
Literally "dark room", is a device that makes use of an optical phenomenon in which light rays reverse themselves when they pass through a small aperture.
What is camera obscura?
In this play, Moliere pokes fun at a newly rich business man, a social climber who tries to imitate the aristocracy only to make a series of hilarious blunders.
What is Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme?
This particular style was in Spain and Portugal for two centuries and passed into their South American colonies, where the decorative aspect was, intensified to a frenzy of ornamentation.
What is Churrigueresque style?
The name of the museum that hosts famous paintings such as Girl with the Pearl Earring, The Proposition, and Diana and Her Companions
What is Mauritshuis Museum?
What was Rembrandt famous for?