
The secular form in which singers act out a story using various types of song accompanied by harpsichord and a small ensemble. 

What is an opera? 



What is the hiring of composers by the church or nobility to compose music for their worship services or court events? 


The approximate start and end dates of the Baroque Era 

What is 1600-1750? 


This smaller 4-stringed instrument was at its most popular during the Baroque Era and was utilized in most genres and forms. 

What is the violin? 


This composition technique for vocal music requires a singer to sustain one syllable over multiple pitches. It was often used in exaggerated form for dramatic effect in the Baroque era. 

What is a melisma? 


The polyphonic form in which a theme is presented, repeated at a lower/higher interval, developed through the middle section, and returns in its original form at the end of the piece. 

What is a fugue? 


This German born composer wrote many lasting pieces for both instrumental and vocal ensembles. In his time, he was a virtuosic organist and composed pieces such as the Brandenburg Concertos, Passion According to St. Matthew, and Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. 

Who is Johann Sebastian Bach? 


2 adjectives that describe art and culture from the Baroque era

What are opulent, dramatic, emotional, extravagant, gaudy, high in contrast, etc. 


This keyboard instrument has multiple rows of keys and creates sound by pushing air through pipes of varying size. 

What is the organ? 


This is a solo song within an opera or oratorio. 

What is an aria? 


The sacred form through which singers and an orchestra tell biblical stories through various types of song. 

What is an oratorio? 


This Italian composer was best known for his concertos and operatic works. He was a virtuosic violinist and wrote pieces such as The Four Seasons and Gloria. He was also famous for his bright red hair. 

Who is Antonio Vivaldi? 


The Portuguese meaning of Barocco 

What is an irregular or misshapen pearl? 


This keyboard instrument is at its most popular in the Baroque era. It often played the basso continuo. 

What is the harpsichord? 


This is a part of a larger orchestral work as can be found within a concerto.

What is a movement? 


The instrumental form with a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra. This is meant to showcase the soloist and contains multiple movements. 

What is a concerto? 


This German born composer was well known for his operas, such as Agrippina, and his oratorios, such as Messiah. He spent much of his professional career in London. 

Who is George Frederic Handel? 


Italian city from which Baroque culture spread 

What is Rome? 


This larger 4-stringed instrument was a part of the string quartet ensemble as well as the orchestra. One of Bach's most well known Suites was written for this isntrument. 

What is the cello? 


The story or script upon which an opera is based. 

What is a libretto?


The instrumental form played by an orchestra consisting of an A section, contrasting B section, and ends with a return to the opening material. (ABA)

What is a sonata? 


This Italian born composer bridged the Renaissance to the Baroque era with his madrigals, operas, and sacred works. His most influential opera was Orfeo. He was employed at San Marco in Venice

Who is Claudio Monteverdi? 


An event from world history that occurred during the Baroque era 

What are colonization of the Americas, French reign of Louis XIII and Louis XIV, Salem witch trials, 30 Years War, etc.


This higher pitched brass instrument was often a part of the orchestra, but was left out of smaller instrumental ensembles. It is best known for its use in the military. 

What is the trumpet? 


This is a compositional method for keyboard or orchestra that contains a set baseline and symbols to indicate how the rest of the chord should be played.

What is basso continuo?