Baruch 2:3 That a man should eat the flesh of his own son, and the flesh of his own daughter.
Why were Israelites eating their children?
Due to the famine caused by the siege
this king got his eyes cut out after seeing his children being put to death
what type of people did Nebuchadnezzer take into Babylon?
nobles and people of use
Baruch 3:37 Afterward did he shew himself upon earth, and conversed with men.
Who were the men he conversed with?
the prophets of old i.e. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel/ the prophets in this time
Baruch 2:34 And I will bring them again into the land which I promised with an oath unto their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they shall be lords of it: and I will increase them, and they shall not be diminished.35 And I will make an everlasting covenant with them to be their God, and they shall be my people: and I will no more drive my people of Israel out of the land that I have given them.
Our nation will once again inhabit the land of Israel and we will be kings and rulers in the land. Under the second covenant we will never sin and so the lord will never put us away again to ever serve in captivity or be driven out of the land. We will rule forever
This king was the first to rebel against Nebuchadnezzar
This prophet warned the Israelites not to rebel against Nebuchadnezzar
What does it mean to be subject unto payments
paying tribute to king Nebuchadnezzar (B)/ Taxes, shelter, day to day necessities
Baruch 3:10 How happeneth it Israel, that thou art in thine enemies' land, that thou art waxen old in a strange country, that thou art defiled with the dead,
This king fought against and was defeated by Pharoah Necho, dis obeying The Most Highs Will
How long did the siege of Jerusalem last?
2 years
Baruch 4:10 For I saw the captivity of my sons and daughters, which the Everlasting brought upon them. 11 With joy did I nourish them; but sent them away with weeping and mourning.
law statues and commandments nourished us but we went off and now are in slavery weeping and mourning, happened in babylonian captivity and happened in America
Baruch 4:34 For I will take away the rejoicing of her great multitude, and her pride shall be turned into mourning.35 For fire shall come upon her from the Everlasting, long to endure; and she shall be inhabited of devils for a great time.
What are the devils the devils speaking about verse 35?
Desert animals
this king was taken to Babylon and put in prison, where he spent 37 years. After that time, Babylon's new king released him for the rest of his life
Who are the the merchants of Medan
The Midianites
Baruch 4:7 For ye provoked him that made you by sacrificing unto devils, and not to God.
Give examples of the devils we were sacrificing to in ancient times and todays time
Ancient times - Baal, Ashtoreth, Molech. Modern times - Jesus, Allah