English-speaking countries
American History
Question salad

What is the English word for 'Pinse*?

What is Pentecost


Who is the current president of the USA?

Who is Joe Biden


Who gave the speech 'I have a dream'?

Who is Martin Luther King


Name four famous English speaking entrepreneurs

Who is Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Walt Disney


Name three words in English that are uncountable. E.g. News - a piece of news

What are Air, water, milk, luggage, accommodation, furniture, money 


What does the word 'Serendipity' mean?

What is A chain of events that occurs in a favorable way 


What are the four countries within United Kingdom?

What are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England


In which city would you find the Statue of Liberty?  

What is New York City


What are three pieces of advice to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur

What is

Being An Entrepreneur Is Tough But Rewarding. Starting a business requires a great deal of courage and resilience. ...

Great Success Is Often Preceded By Failure. ...

Passion Is Key. ...

You Can't Do It Alone. ...

Adaptability Is Essential. ...

Cash Is King. ...

Persistence Pays Off.


Stay calm:-) Pronounce this sentence: 

The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick



People who supported the American Revolution 

a. Loyalists 

b. Patriots

c. Redcoats

d. Sons of Liberty

b. What are Patriots


Name five countries where English is the first language

What are United Kingdom, New Zealand, USA, Australia, Canada


Who was the first president of the United States?

Who was George Washington


In the film 'Stand by me' the four boys go looking for a dead boy. What happend to him and what did they do when they found him?

What is:

He was probably hit by the train. They covered the body and phoned anonymously to alert the police of where to find him.


Stay calm:-). Pronounce this sentence:

She sells seashells on the seashore.



What is the English word for ' Kristi Himmelfartsdag'?

What is 

Ascension Day


Complete the sentence: "There are more ...... than people in New Zealand"

a. trees

b. sheep

c. cars

d. boats

What are sheep

(New Zealand is known for its large sheep population)


In USA the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776. 

July 4th is called Independence Day in USA.

What country did they seek independence from?

What is Great Britain


In the short film 'Gasman' taking palce in Scotlandduring Christmas, we meet two children dressing up to go with their father.

Where are they going and who are they meeting on the way?

What is a Christmas party (at the pub) and who are their half siblings (who they do not know)


What is going on? Explain this sentence: 

The old man the boats

Old people are on the boats (working/steering)

The way different countries are linked to each other through culture and trade

A. Capitalism
B. Globalization
C. Market Economy

D. Mercantilism

B. What is Globalization

What does the flag of Scotland look like?

What is a blue background with a white x-shaped cross

The flag of Scotland represents the cross of the patron saint of Scotland, Saint Andrew on a blue sky. The flag is called Saint Andrew's Cross or the Saltire. 


Which statement is true about colonial reaction to the Declaration of Independence? 

A Colonists were worried to no longer have the support of Great Britain. 

B Colonists were skeptical that a new government would be effective. 

C Colonists were excited to be able to govern themselves without British interference.

D Colonists were angry that their leaders acted against their wishes.

What are Colonists were excited to be able to govern themselves without British interference.


Who was Rosa Parks?

Who was an American civil rights activist whose refusal to give up her seat on a public bus started the 1955–56 Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama, which became the spark that ignited the civil rights movement in the United States. She is known as the “mother of the civil rights movement.” 


Explain the phrase: 'Keep your shirt on'

What is a way of telling someone to calm down.