Staff Requirements
Program Structure

What are the YMCAs Character Development/ values?

  • Caring

  • Honesty

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Inclusion 


How long can an unapproved person be in our program? 

  • Staff will require all persons that are not employed by the YMCA / ocfs approved in the area for more than 5 minutes to sign in as a visitor.


what drill must be done once a month?

Fire Drills


What is our Electronic Communication Policy?

Staff should NOT be on their phone unless it is to communicate with other staff or a parent, or fulfill an activity.  

We will have radios that we will be trying out to help eliminate staff from having phones out. 


What is BASE staff ratios?

 1 staff to 10 kids


Name a something that was created at the YMCA?




Swim lessons

Hallmark cards

Fathers day


What does each site need to have for Activity planning?

Each site needs a creative activity, Physical activity, and bathroom and snack times each day


What hazards may we face?

Rainy Days, Thunder Storms, Snow & Heat Advisories


How does the chain of command go?

  • BASE staff → Site supervisor/Site director  → Liz (head of child care (director)) → Jesse (executive director of the branch)


What are the time frames of our programs?

Medina: 2 pm to 6 pm (615 if needed for clean up/prep)

Lyndonville: 2:15 pm to 6 pm (615 t if needed for clean up/prep)


What are our 3 mission statement goals for the kids?

Discovering skills (achievement)

Building friendships (relationships)

Finding a place to belong (belonging)


What things are staff required to document?

  • Staff should be documenting daily behaviors, issues, and minior situations- if you are the person writing in the communication book you must date and sign it after each entry written, all staff will initial once read.


Students should not be out in the lighting or thunder. Or out for an extended period of time if weather is under ? degrees.

43 degrees


Dress Code?

  • While staff can dress comfortably, it is important that they be neat, clean, and present a good appearance at all times. 

  • All staff are required to wear identification at all times. 

  • Clothes must be kept neat and clean; no opened ripped jeans, spaghetti strap tops, belly shirts, etc. Sneakers/ crocs are a must. 

  • There is to be no smoking/ vaping or profanity. 


/out process 


    • You are required to sign each student in and out at exact times.


  • Please be prepared to ask for ID until you get to know each parent and child. (Until you are without a doubt sure about that person always ask) 

  • If someone else other than the main parent or guardian is picking up a camper they must be on the authorized pick up list and show ID for pick up. (staff should compare authorized list information against ID given)

  • Make sure you know your pick up list as a parent may not be authorized to pick them up.


What does OCFS stand for?

Office of children and family services.


How many hours per school year of training should you have completed?

30 hours


Child abduction what do you do?

  • Call 911 and the other parent or legal guardian. 

  • One staff person goes outside to watch for the police. 

  • Give clear descriptions to the police, including name, address, etc. Identify car make, model, and license plate number. Contact the Director.


What is our Attendance policy?

If you are unable to report to work or know you will be late, you must notify the head staff member at minimum 4 hours before shift starts

If excessive absenteeism or tardiness occurs disciplinary action will be taken.


Discipline for Staff?

  1. Verbal warning (documented)

  2. Written 1 warning (documented)

  3. Written 2 warning (documented)

  4. Written 3 warning (documented) with suspension or termination

  5. Termination

Immediate termination results from any intentional cause of harm to a child, not following OCFS regulations, and a lapse in your required certifications.  


When/ where was the first YMCA conceived?

BONUS: why? 

The first YMCA was conceived in industrial London in 1844 when a farmer-turned-department store worker and his friends gathered to organize a refuge for young men seeking escape from the hazards of the streets.


what are site supervisor qualifications?

1 year supervision of staff

2 year supervision of children 

CDA or 16 hours from accredited related field


Late/ No pick up, what do you do?

  1. If parents or guardians do not come within 30 minutes of scheduled pick up, call parents or guardians and notify the Director.

  2. If you cannot contact parents or guardians, call emergency contacts.

  3. If no one can be reached by 7:00 pm, notify the Director.

  4. If the child has not been picked up by 7:00 pm, contact the Child Protective Services or the police at 911. They will assume responsibility for the child.



Medical Emergency Policy

  • In case of serious injury, call 911 and then notify the director ASAP

  • If by yourself place an older child as your look out of other program participants and ambulance as you are administering required first aid. 

    • Call 911 if necessary.

    • Call the Director and the parents or guardians, if no contact is made emergency contact list will be the next step.

    • If the injury is minor, call the parent first (Use your judgment)

    • If the parents need to be called, be sure to speak to the parent or guardian when they pick the child up.


Discipline for students?

  1. Verbal warning 

  2. Verbal warning with consequence such as sitting out or loss of points

  3. Written warning (behavior warning form)

  4. Call parent for student to be picked up 

  5. Suspension from program (only can be decided from Child Care Coordinator) 

  6. Automatic suspension for any sort of physical altercation, theft or damage of others personal property, YMCA property or school property.