Stories in the Bible
Characters in the Bible
Scriptures in the Bible
Books of the Bible

What book in the bible talks about the valley of dry bones? 

What is the book of Ezekiel 


What was Moses sister name? 

Who is Miriam?


Fill in the blank: The ___________ is ________________ I ____________ not _________________

What is Lord, my shepherd, shall, want? Psalms 23:1 


What book of the bible comes after the book Job? 

What is the of Psalms? 


What book of the bible is consider the book of wisdom? 

What is the book of Proverbs? 


What story in the bible talks about making a sacrifice at Mount Moriah? 

What is Abraham and Isaac? 


Who was Moses's Father in law? 

Who is Jethro?


What does Isaiah 54:17 say? 

What is "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." 


What is the 10th book of the bible?

What is the book of II Samuel? 


It's only 1 one book in the bible that starts with the letter O what is it? 

What is the book of Obadiah? 


What story required someone to work 7 years before getting married to someone's daughter? 

What's the story of Jacob? 


What character in the bible said "Moses my servant is dead"? 

Who is the Lord?


What scripture says "In the beginning God created Adam & Eve? 

What is NO Scripture? 


What 4 books of the bible starts with letter H? 

What is the books of Hosea, Habakkuk, Haggai & Hebrews? 


There are only 2 books in the bible that starts with the letter Z what are they? 

What is Zephaniah & Zechariah? 


What story in the bible talks about 5 smooth stones, sling shot, sword, heavy armor and a gun?

What's no story in the bible 


Who had men to enter into their home to search out the country? 

Who is Rahab? Joshua 2:2


What scripture in the bible is the GREAT COMISSION written? 

What is St. Matthew 28:19? 


There's only 2 books of the starts with the letter A what are they? 

What is the book of Amos & Acts? 


What 5 books in the bible has only 1 Chapter? 

What is Obadiah, Philemon, Jude, II John, III John 


What story in the bible did Jesus say to his disciples "O ye of little faith"? 

What is when Jesus calms the storm? 


What Old Testament Character parents was given these instructions for their child drink no wine, nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing? 

Who is Samson?


Where in the bible can you find the Genealogy of Jesus? 

What is St. Matthew 1


There are 8 books in the bible that has at least 2 books what are they? 

What is I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, I & II Corinthians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, I & II Peter & I, II & III John 


Who is April? 

Who is Lady A?