Practicing Empathy
Practicing Communication

What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


How can you practice empathy?

Show care and concern, acknowledge the person's feelings, ask questions, mirror their perspective, don’t run ahead of the conversation, show emotional support, etc.


What is communication?

Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information.


How can you practice communication?

Practicing communication can mean talking and listening, writing and reading, performing and witnessing, or, more generally, doing anything that involves “messages” in any situation.


Why is empathy important?

Empathy is important because it helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation.


What are scenarios that you may need empathy?

Coworker having a bad day, needing help with a task, etc


Name three of the four different forms of communication.

Verbal, Nonverbal, Written, and Visual


How can you improve your communication skills?

Showing body language, thinking before you speak, maintaining eye contact, emphasizing your key points, listening, understanding, etc.


Which of the following words could be used to describe a person who shows empathy to others?

Kind, Rude, Mean, Caring, Disrespectful, Understanding, Respectful

Kind, Caring, Understanding, Respectful


Name a skill necessary for empathy.

The ability to accurately put yourself in someone else's shoes; to understand the other's situation and feelings from their point of view. 


What is a form of communication that includes mail, internet, websites, letters, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, etc?

Written Communication


Why do we communicate?

We use communication to share information, comment, ask questions, express wants and needs, develop social relationships, social etiquette, and much more. We make connections.


Name three of the four qualities of empathy.

Perspective talk, avoiding judgment, recognizing emotion in others, communication, and understanding


Which of the following words/phrases would an empathic person most likely say?

A)That doesn't make sense to me. 

B)I can see why you'd think that. 

C)Don't be upset. 

D)That should not have made you angry. 

E)I'd feel sad if that happened to me too.

I can see why you'd think that. I'd feel sad if that happened to me too.


What is empathic communication?

Empathic communication is communication that takes into account what we do and our impact on other people. Meaning, enhancing our performance while supporting others to do the same.


Name at least one skill necessary for effective communication.

Active listening


What is the connection between empathy and communication?

Empathy helps us communicate our ideas in a way that makes sense to others.


Your friend can't find her science homework. What can you do to show empathy?

A. Give her a compliment on her new haircut.
B. You walk away so she can find it herself.
C. You laugh at her.
D. You help her look for it.

D. You help her look for it.


How can we practice empathic communication?

We can practice empathic communication by listening, understanding, etc.


What is one of the foundational building blocks of having a great social interaction?

Understanding and comprehending the emotions and behavior of another person.