Are kind of fixed expression as they Can't be changed, but their meaning is usually different from the combination of the individual words they contain.
the arrangement of words into patterns which have meaning
Grammatical Structure
Phonemes, word stress, sentence stress and information
reason why we communicate
Fixed expressions and idioms are all different kinds of...
Group of letters added at the beginning or end of a base word
The smallest unit of sound that can make a difference to meaning in a language
What does exponents express
Levels of formality
Words with the same or similar meaning
A group of letters added at the beginning of a base word
Notice or understand the different between 2 things
Show neither great respect nor too much casualness towards the person we are talking to
Groups of words that belong to the same topic area
Lexical Set
A group of letters added at the end of a base word
The phonemes of English are often show in a...
phonemic chart
Language that reflects the situation in which it is used is often referred to as...
Words which have the same or similar forms in two languages but a different meaning
False Friends
How many parts of speech are there in English
Spoken using the vibration of our voice
voiced sounds
People usually choose to use the level of formality that suits a situation