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Wounds & Bleeding

What is one way to prevent over heating?

Drink water, wear a hat, stay in the shade, wear sunscreen


How do you treat a nosebleed?

Bonus: Why don't you lean your head backwards if you have a nosebleed?

Pinch the soft part of the nose below the bony ridge. Lean forward and breathe through mouth. 

The blood could go down the windpipe and block the airway, or go into the stomach and cause vomiting.


What do I do if I am choking and alone?

Call 9-1-1 and move to a visible area. Use a chair or object to perform abdominal thrusts.


How many compressions do you give for CPR?

100-120 compressions per minute


What does RICE stand for?






What is heat stroke?

A life threatening condition where a person's temperature stops working and the body is unable cool itself.


How do you treat a bleeding wound?

Apply direct pressure using a dressing or bandage. If the bleeding doesn't stop or can't be controlled, call 9-1-1.


How many back blows do you give when someone is choking?



How do you know when someone needs CPR?

Not responding, Unconscious, not breathing/minimal breathing, np or low pulse


What does FAST stand for?

Facial drooping

Arm weakness

Speech difficulty

Time to call EMS


What are the symptoms of heat stroke?

Bonus: How do you treat it?

Hot or red skin, dry or moist skin, severe headache, change in behaviours, changes in responsiveness, rapid, shallow breathing, high body temperature.

Treat: Call 9-1-1. Move to a cool place, loosen tight clothing, immerse the person in cool water, wrap cool wet towels around wrists, ankles, neck and armpit.


What is a tourniquet?

A device that helps provide pressure for bleeding if it cannot be controlled with direct pressure.


How many abdominal thrusts do you give when someone is choking?



What is an AED

An Automatic External Defibrillator that sends shocks through the chest to the heart.

What is shock? How do you help someone who is in shock?

When someone experiences anxiety, confusion, drowsiness, loss of responsiveness, nausea or vomiting, pale, cool, moist skin, usually after a stressful event happens. Put the person in a comfortable position and prevent overheating or cooling. Do not give them any food or drinks. Call 9-1-1.


What is heat exhaustion?

When your body loses fluids through heavy sweating during strenuous activity and high heat.


What do you do if someone has a head injury?

Have them rest. Apply a cold compress to the injury. Call 9-1-1 if symptoms increase.


What do you do if a pregnant woman is choking?

Back blows only


How long do you do CPR for?

Until help arrives, someone else takes over, or the person regains consciousness


What do you do if someone breaks a bone?

Help the person support the limb comfortably using their hand or a cushion. Prevent unnecessary movement. Help the person to the hospital or call 9-1-1.


What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?

Bonus: How do you treat it?

Moist, pale, flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, exhaustion

Treat by moving the person to a cooler place, loosen tight clothing, cool using wet cloths or towels, use a fan. Provide small amounts of cool water to drink slowly.


What can you do if you get a stinger in your skin?

scrape it away with a credit card. If you use tweezers grab the base of the stinger and pull out. Wash the wound with cold water, cover with a dressing, apply ice or a cold pack wrapped in a towel.


What happens if someone goes unconscious when choking?

Support to the ground. Check airway and see if you can clear. If not breathing, give compressions. Call 9-1-1.


What do you do if someone is unresponsive but still breathing?

Check breathing by tilting the head back and looking and feeling for breaths. Roll the person into the recovery position so their airway is open. Call 9-1-1.


If you come across someone who looks injured what should you do?

Check for dangers.

Use a form of protection such as gloves.

Determine level of consciousness, breathing, type of injury.

Call 9-1-1.