Parts of Speech
Identify the Part of Speech
Simple Subjects
Main Verbs
What is an adjective?
a word that modifies a noun
Correctly punctuate the following sentence: I like cherries and apples more than grapefruit.
no punctuation I like cherries and apples more than grapefruit.
What part of speech is "birds" in .... All BIRDS like the sunshine.
It is a noun (a plural noun).
Name the simple subject: Breakfast is an important meal.
Name the simple predicate or main verb: Breakfast is an important meal.
What is an adverb?
a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb
Punctuate this sentence: The mans coat was brown and ragged but he wore it anyway.
(possessive apostrophe and a comma) The man's coat was brown and ragged, but he wore it anyway.
What part of speech is "like" in .... All birds LIKE the sunshine.
It is a verb.
Name the simple subject: Fruits and vegetables are two of the staples of healthy eating.
Fruits, vegetables
Name the simple predicate or main verb: Trees grow at a remarkable rate and can reach over 100 feet in a decade.
grow, can reach
What is a preposition?
a word that describes a noun's relationship to another element in the sentence (or anything a squirrel can do to a tree) ... He came to visit after dinner. However, he left his book under the table. What did he do that for?
Punctuate this sentence: Bring me the cookies they are on the counter next to the doughnuts.
(semi-colon between independent clauses) Bring me the cookies; they are on the counter next to the doughnuts.
What part of speech is "the" in .... All birds like THE sunshine.
It is an adjective (formerly known as an article).
Name the simple subject: Tom likes riding bikes in the summer, but Samantha likes skiing in the winter when the weather is right.
Tom, Samantha
Name the simple predicate or main verb: While running on the beach, my dog found a stick and chewed it to pieces.
found, chewed
Name the 8 parts of speech.
noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection
Punctuate this sentence: Because the leaves fall in the autumn our yards need extra cleaning and its tiring to have to do all that raking!
(comma DC, IC ... comma IC, coordinating conjunction IC ... contraction apostrophe ) Because the leaves fall in the autumn, our yards need extra cleaning, and it's tiring to have to do all that raking!
What parts of speech are "wildly" and "behind" in While running WILDLY BEHIND the wagon, I tripped and fell.
"Wildly" is an adverb, and "behind" is a preposition.
Name the simple subject: Your mother's raspberry cake is delicious although I will always prefer her chocolate one.
Name the simple predicate or main verb: Lexi finds challenging rules of grammar quite interesting, but she cannot convince her friends that they should be interested as well.
finds, can convince
Define the difference between a subordination conjunction and a coordinating conjunction.
A coordinating conjunction connects things of equal importance whereas a subordinating conjunction connects things not of equal importance.
Punctuate this sentence: This is a crazy sentence because it has a lot of clauses and it is not clear to every student which clauses function will determine its punctuation but I bet you can do it!
(okay, it is a bit of a run-on!) comma, poss apos, comma This is a crazy sentence because it has a lot of clauses, and it is not clear to every student which clause's function will determine its punctuation, but I bet you can do it!
Name every part of speech in the following sentence: Because Sheila eats fruit in the morning, she is quite healthy.
"Because" -sub con; "Sheila" - noun; "eats" -verb; "fruit" -noun; "in"-preposition; "the" -adjective; "morning" - noun; "she" - pronoun; "is" - verb; "quite" = adverb; "healthy" - adjective.
Name the simple subject: While he was playing street hockey, my son broke his ankle in two places, and we had to call an ambulance.
son, we
Name the simple predicate or main verb: Questions with easy answers generally create a sense in a student that s/he is not fully challenged; despite this phenomenon's implications, students can learn in these situations.
create, can learn