This punctuation mark is used when making a declarative statement.
What is a period?
What needs to be added to the following sentence to make it grammatically correct?
Peche likes to bake swim and dance.
A word that describes a noun.
What is an adjective?
Graduating high school can be a difficult task.
The word that should be capitalized in the following sentence: she went to the store.
What is She?
This punctuation mark is used when asking a question.
What is a question mark?
What do you have to add to "quick" in the following sentence to make it grammatically correct?
Sam walked quick to her next class.
-LY (quickly)
A word that describes an action or state of being.
What is a verb?
True or false: the following sentence has no errors.
Michael eated his breakfast before coming to school.
False, ATE
This punctuation mark is used when making an exclamatory statement.
What is an exclamation point?
The definition of a noun.
What is a person, place, thing or idea?
True or false: the following sentence has no errors.
You could of given me a heads up that you were going to be running late.
False, could HAVE
The word that should be capitalized in the following sentence: My birthday is in june.
What is June?
What punctuation mark should be used in the following sentence: Where was the dog hiding
What is a question mark?
What is incorrect in the following phrase?
Paul sat over their by the window to ate his lunch. Laura joint him after she order her sammich.
Paul sat over THERE by the window to EAT his lunch. Laura JOINED him after she ORDERED her SANDWICH.
Identify the adjectives in the following sentence.
She enjoyed the delicious pie on the blue porch.
She enjoyed the DELICIOUS pie on the BLUE porch.
True or false: the following sentence has no errors.
Helene expeditiously cleaned her whole kitchen. She had a whole nother list of things to do before her guests came over.
False, another whole, NOT a whole nother
The two punctuation marks that could be used to end a sentence that gives a command.
What is a period and an exclamation point?
Identify the nouns in the following sentence.
Gramps kindly helped me with my challenging homework.
Gramps, homework
True or false: the following sentence has no errors.
Can you corectly identify these states on the map? Theyre Mississippi, Arkansas, Delawhere, and Indeana.
Correctly, They're, Delaware, Indiana
True or false: the following sentence is correct.
Over the next few days, we will practiced a knew song.
Practice, new
The word(s) that should be capitalized in the following sentence: abraham lincoln was the president during the civil war.
What are Abraham, Lincoln, Civil, and War?