Close Order Drill
General Knowledge
Field Skills
MORE Field Skills
Drug Resistance
Public Speaking
United States History
Fitness, Health, and First Aid

While standing at attention, what angle should your feet get placed?

45 degree angle


Who is authorized to modify the Young Marine uniform and how can it be modified?

Only the Unit Commander can modify the uniform by substituting the red National t-shirt or unit t-shirt for the white t-shirt.


Name 3 personal equipment items you should always carry with you in the field.

• Whistle 

• Folding Pocket Knife 

• Personal Identification and Medical Card 

• Map and Compass 

• Matches 

• First Aid Kit 

• Lip Balm 

• Insect Repellant and Sunscreen 

• Notepad and Pen/Pencil 

• Small Flashlight


Name 3 Standard Operating Procedure to follow while in the field.

• Maintain personal hygiene standards. 

• Do not go into water above your knees without supervision and an approved personal floatation device. 

• Use tools safely. 

• Know the location of the group first aid kit, fire-fighting equipment, and your leader's shelter in case of an emergency. 

• Keep your shelter and surrounding area tidy and free from hazards. 

• Male and female Young Marines will not enter the other's shelter. 

• Inform your leader before leaving the campsite and never do so alone. 

• Do not venture further than the head of a group by yourself.


Name 3 geographical features found on a map.

• Contour lines

• Hills

• Saddles

• Cliffs

• Valleys

• Depressions


How many hours of Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) training are Young Marines required to have per quarter (every 3 months)?

3 hours


In your first elevator speech (during recruit training) what are the basics that must be included in your speech? 

• Your name, rank, and unit name

• National, non-profit for boys and girls ages 8-18

• Leadership, teamwork, and discipline

• Citizenship, veterans' appreciation, DDR


What does the acronym TEAM mean?

T - Together

E - Everyone

A - Accomplishes

M - More


Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance and when was it written (month and year)?

• Francis Bellamy 

• August 1892


When setting your fitness goal, remember to be SMART. What does the acronym SMART mean?

S - Is it Specific?

M - Is it Measurable?

A - Is it Achievable?

R - Is it Relevant?

T - Is it Time Limited?


What does "March in Quick Time" mean?

Quick Time March is  the term for marching at a regular pace or with regular cadence.

What is the only jewelry permitted while wearing the Young Marine uniform?

Watches, Medical Items, Religious Medallions, and Class or Young Marines Ring.


Name 5 items you should pack in your bag when going on a hike?

• A map or a guidebook of the area 

• A compass 

• Water 

• Snacks or food 

• First Aid Kit 

• Rain Gear 

• Matches or Fire Starter 

• Extra socks and undergarments 

• Gloves 

• Emergency blanket 

• Multi-use pocket or utility knife 


Name 3 ways to keep your rope in good condition.

• Avoid stepping on the rope.

• Distribute wear on the rope.

• Keep it dry, clean, and wash with mild soap when dirty.

• Store it coiled in a dry place with all knots and kinks removed.

• Do not store near strong chemicals.

• Whip, melt, or bind rope ends to keep them from unraveling.

• Avoid snagging on or dragging across sharp rocks.


What 2 geographical features are represented by contour lines with ticks on them that point towards lower ground.

Cliffs and Depressions


How old do you have to be in the United States to purchase alcohol or tobacco?



What are the Young Marines Core Values?

Leadership, Teamwork, and Discipline


What are 3 rules to follow and duties you need to remember while being a member of a team?

• Comply with rules and orders. 

• Make responsible decisions for your safety and the safety of your teammates. 

• Maintain good personal habits and manners. 

• Use positive words and encouragement. 

• Cooperate with others. 

• Accept constructive criticism. 

• Be willing to admit your mistakes. 

• Take care of personal and group equipment. 

• Encourage your teammates.


When was the official flag of the United States established? This is also considered "Flag Day".

June 14, 1777


How many PFTs are the Young Marines required to take per year?

2 PFTs

1 between Jan-Jun and 1 between Jul-Dec.


What does "March in Double Time" mean?

Double Time is the term for running or jogging.


What ranks are the Basic Young Marines (3) and the Senior Young Marines (2)?

Basic Young Marines: YM Pvt, YM PFC, & YM LCpl

Senior Young Marines: YM SSgt & YM GySgt


What is hypothermia and what is the first symptom you may notice when someone is experiencing hypothermia?

Hypothermia is the most severe form of cold-related injury and happens when the body temperature is too low. 

The first symptom is when the person is shivering and cannot stop.


Name 3 ways to protect yourself from heat-related injuries or illnesses.

• Wear long-sleeve clothing

• Wear light-colored clothing

• Wear a hat 

• Apply sunscreen every 2 hours

• Drink 1 to 2 liters of water a day


Name 3 types of important information found in the margins of your map.

• Name of the map 

• Number of the Map sheet 

• Date of the map data 

• Map Scale 

• Scale Bars 

• Contour Interval 

• Legend of Conventional Signs


Name 3 negative effects of tobacco use.

• Lung cancer

• Cancer of the mouth, throat, bladder, pancreas, and kidney

• Tooth loss

• Diseases of the throat and digestive system

• Heart disease

• Chronic Bronchitis

• Stroke

• Highly Addictive


Explain proper body language when giving a speech.

• Stand tall with good posture.

• Avoid slouching.

• Avoid crossing your arms.

• Avoid fidgeting too much.

• Avoid standing too stiffly.

• Give your speech as if you are talking with someone you feel comfortable around.


Name 3 qualities that make a strong team member.

• Always be reliable.

• Communicate with their team members and leaders.

• Do more than is asked of them.

• Be flexible.

• Be committed to the team.

• Obey the Young Marines Code of Conduct and the Young Marines Creed.


Who was the Philadelphia seamstress that created the first United States flag?

Betsy Ross


Name 1 exercise to improve each physical fitness component:

1) Cardiorespiratory Endurance

2) Muscle Strength

3) Muscle Endurance

4) Flexibility 

1) Cardiorespiratory Endurance

• Running • Swimming • Biking • Walking • Hiking

2) Muscle Strength

• Squats • Lunges • Calf rises • Step Ups • Sit Ups • Crunches • Push Ups • Weights 

3) Muscle Endurance

• Burpees • Planks • Side Planks • Squat Jumps • Crab Walks • Leg Raises • Side Leg Raises

4) Flexibility 

• Stretching • Yoga • Pilates • Tai Chi


What is the command when you are marching forward and you stop marching forward and come to the position of attention in the direction you are facing?



What are the 2 Billeted Young Marine Ranks?

YM 1stSgt & YM SgtMaj


What are the 2 most common poisonous plants in the United States?

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak


What should you do if you notice a tick embedded in your skin?

• DO NOT pull it out!

• Alert an adult.

• Use tweezers to remove the tick.

• Monitor the area for the next few weeks.


What does the map scale 1:50,000 mean?

1 centimeter on the map equals 50,000 centimeters on the ground.


These drugs are given by a doctor or taken to manage minor injuries or illnesses. However, they function as other illegal drugs when taken in higher than recommended doses.

Prescription or Over The Counter (OTC) Drugs


When preparing and writing your speech, what are the 4 steps to follow?

• Choose a topic.

• Determine the purpose and audience for the speech.

• Gather evidence, data, and support.

• Outline and write a draft of your speech.


A strong leader shares a lot of the same qualities as a team member. Name 3 additional qualities a strong leader has in addition to being a strong team member.

• Understanding of each person on their team.

• Able to make the tough decisions.

• Concerned with the well-being of their team.

• Accountable.

• Confident.

• Honest.

• Inspiring.

• Positive.


On April 4, 1818 a new Act was passed that called for (how many) stripes and a star for each (what?) in the country.

On April 4, 1818 a new Act was passed that called for (thirteen) stripes and a star for each (state) in the country.


How can you choose a healthy food and determine if a food is healthy or unhealthy?

Step 1: Look closely at the foods you choose, pick natural, unprocessed foods, whole foods.

Step 2: Check out the ingredients list. Be mindful of the the length, familiarity, additives, and order of the ingredients.

Step 3: Read the information on the Nutritional Label.


When marching in parades or ceremonies, why would the Platoon Sergeant call the command "Eyes Right" or "Eyes Left"?

To demonstrate military courtesy to reviewing officers and dignitaries watching the parade or ceremony.


Recite the Young Marines Hymn.

From the North and from the South we'll come

From the East and from the West

We will all enlist in the Young Marines

And forever do our best

From the halls of all our grammar schools

To the shores of all our lakes

We will be the finest Young marines

No matter what it takes.

Let the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts march;

Let the Cub Scouts strut and beam

Oh, you haven't seen the greatest yet

'Til you've seen the Young Marines.

We salute the sailor boys in blue

And the Army in their greens

We are proud to bear the title of

The U.S. Young Marines.

What is the difference between a "cathole" and a "field latrine"?

A cathole is smaller and for 1 person.

A field latrine is larger and for a group of more than 12 people. 


When choosing the appropriate location for a latrine, chose a site at least ___________ yards from a ground water source.

100 yards


Name 3 most commonly used topographical maps in land navigation.

• Political Maps

• Street and Road Maps

• Statistical Maps

• Relief Maps

• Orienteering Maps


What are the 2 key programs the Young Marines have to help spread our drug-free message?

Red Ribbon Week and the Red Cord Initiative


When choosing a topic to give a speech about, avoid topics that _______________ (name 2).

• Are too broad

• Cannot be backed up by facts or data

• You cannot research or do not have access to information for

• Your audience is opposed to

• You do not believe in


Every time you hold a leadership position in the unit, your superiors, either a more senior Young Marine or an Adult Volunteer, will fill out a form evaluating your leadership in that role. What is this form called?

Leadership Evaluation Form (LEF)


How should the flag be raised and lowered?

The flag is to be raised (briskly) but lowered (slowly) and only between (sunrise) and (sunset).


How many fruits and vegetables should a boy and a girl consume each day?

Boys: 4 fruits/5 veggies

Girls: 3 fruits/4 veggies


The purpose of this movement is to march the unit backwards for a short distance.

Back step


When was the official charter issued to the Young Marines?

October 17th, 1965


Name 3 safety precautions while using a bow saw.

• Keep your hand holding the wood in place 6 to 12 inches away from the saw blade. 

• Wear protective gloves, googles, and closed-tow shoes.

• Never stand beneath a branch if you are cutting it off a tree.

• Maintain a distance of several feet away from anyone else while using a saw.

• Never handle a bow saw unless you intend to use it.

• Never try to catch a falling bow saw.

• Do not run or climb while holding a bow saw.

• Always hand a bow saw to someone else handle first and never throw it to someone. 

• Make sure the area you are using the bow saw in is well-lit, clear of debris, and away from anyone who may distract you or hurt themselves.

• Never use a bow saw without adult supervision.


Name 3 safety precautions while using an axe or hatchet.

• Wear safety goggles, work gloves, and closed-toe shoes or boots.

• Use both hands to steady the handle. 

• Make sure you have a steady stance and are on a balanced surface.

• Always check to make sure the axe head is secure to the handle before use.

• Ensure your swing is not aimed at your foot.

• Sheathe the axe when not in use.

• To hand the axe to another person, make sure it is secure in its sheath, the head is down, and the sharp edge is not pointing towards either of you.


What type of maps show countries, providences, states, and other borders? This map is commonly used on globes, atlases, and in textbooks.

Political Maps


The National Red Ribbon Campaign was started by the National Family Partnership after the death of what DEA Special Agent?

DEA Special Agent Enrique "KiKi" Camarena.


What are the 3 purposes for public speaking?

• To inform

• To Persuade

• To Entertain


State the 7 Young Marine General Orders.

#1) I will take charge of this post and all Young Marines' property in view.

#2) I will walk my post in an alert manner, observe everything that takes place within sight or hearing, and report any unauthorized personnel.

#3) I will report all violations of orders and instructions I have been given.

#4) I will not quit my post until properly relieved.

#5) I will speak to no one except those who are also in the line of duty.

#6) I will sound the alarm in case of emergency.

#7) I will call an Adult Volunteer or Young Marine in charge if any event occurs that has not been covered by instructions.


Explain how the United States Flag should be displayed indoors?

The flag should always be displayed in a place of honor to it's own right. This means it should be furthest to the right of any speaker or staging areas, with any other flags to the left.

Sportsmanship is an attitude and it should be part of everyone's mindset when they head out to play. Name 3 tips to help you practice good sportsmanship no matter the sport you play.

• Always play by the rules.

• Respect all the referee's decisions without grumbling.

• Accept that your opponents played well and deserved to win.

• Accept victory with humility and modesty.

• Compliment your opponent on his or her play.

• Do not try to gain unfair advantage over your opponent.

• Do not try to win by cheating.

• Remain in control of your emotions and do not resort to violence.

• Remember, it is not who won or lost, but how you played the game.

• Afterwards, review your performance and make a plan using your fitness program to get better for next time.


When moving as a platoon or larger group, all squads follow the base element. What is the base element in a column movement?

The base element is the squad that is closest to the turn.


What year were females officially allowed to join the Young Marines program.



Name 4 things to consider when choosing a campsite.

• Look for previously impacted areas on flat ground where others may have camped in the past.

• Your site should be at least 200 feet away from a water source.

• Be aware of proximity to insects and other wildlife.

• Check the weather before choosing a site.

• Ensure your shelter area is at least 100 feet from your cooking area to avoid attracting bears and other animals.

• If you choose a shaded spot for wind or rain cover avoid hazardous, hanging tree branches.

• Do not setup your campsite near other hikers or campers.

• Avoid selecting a campsite on a road or path.

• Avoid untrampled areas like meadows or lake shores to avoid damaging the area.


What safety equipment should you collect before starting a fire?

• A shovel

• A rake

• A pail with sand or water

• And a fire extinguisher


What type of maps show information like production levels of crops or minerals throughout a country?

Statistical Maps

What does the red represent on the red cord bracelet?

Red represents red ribbons used to honor KiKi Camarena.


To make sure your speech is organized, you should always create an outline before writing your full speech. When making an outline, divide your paper into what three parts?

• Introduction

• Body

• Conclusion


How many Articles are in the Young Marines Code of Conduct?



How many hours of community service is required to earn the rank Lance Corporal?

A minimum of 50 hours of community service.


Added sugar can be very harmful to your health. What can happen to your body if you eat too much added sugars? Name at least 3.

• Lead to weight gain.

• Harm your teeth

• Harm you heart and other organs.

• Harm your brain.

• Sugar can cause a major spike in your energy level, so you may feel a crash after eating a lot of it.


The purpose of this movement is to march the entire unit to the right or left for a short distance. This differs from the Column movement by changing the direction of the formation simultaneously instead of one after the other.

March to the Flank


When did the Young Marines become an international organization with the formation of a Young Marines unit in Okinawa Japan?



What are the steps for starting a fire?

1) Make a pile using a handful of Tinder.

2) Cover this pile loosely with kindling.

3) Once the kindling is burning well, add small softwood fuel.

4) Once you have a small fire of softwood, add hardwood fuel.


What are the 3 most common shapes to build a fire?

Cone, Log Cabin, and Pyramid


This grid reference is a series of four numbers that refers to an entire grid square a point is in. To locate or state a point using this reference, you will use the north-south lines that run up and down and west-east lines that run left to right. What is this grid reference called?

Four-Figure Grid Reference


Why are the red cord bracelets made of 550 paracord?

550 paracord shows our connection to the military and our core values of leadership, teamwork, and discipline.


What should the body of your speech contain?

• Your main points in order from least to most important

• The evidence to back up your points

• An explanation of your evidence and points.


What is the 1st sentence of Article II (2) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?

I will never let another Young Marine down of my own accord.


What is the United States of America's system of government called?



When committing to a personal physical fitness program, what are the 3 steps to help you set up your fitness routine?

1) Choose fitness components that will help you meet your goal.

2) Choose exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal.

3) Add warm-up and cool-down exercises to your program.


To obtain close interval in column: The purpose of this movement is to close the interval between files in a column to 4 inches. What is the command?

"close, MARCH"


How should a Young Marine address an adult, either during or outside Young Marine activities?

Address the adult by their appropriate title and their last name. Use sir or ma'am if you do not know their title. 

If the adult is active duty, in the reserves, or retired address them by their rank and last name.

If the adult is a Military officer, either active, retired, or reserve, render a salute and an appropriate greeting.


What are the 3 ways to purify water in the field?

1) Water Filters

2) Chemical Tablets or Iodine

3) Boiling Water


Name 3 precautions to prevent fresh food from spoiling in the field.

• Perishable items (meat and dairy) must be kept at or below forty degrees.

• Pre-chill your cooler with bags or blocks of ice at least an hour before packing them.

• Freeze foods ahead of time.

• Pack your cooler by putting frozen meat or any food most likely to spoil in the bottom closest to the ice.

• Avoid opening the cooler or leaving it open for longer than necessary.


What are landmarks along your route you can check off as you pass? They allow you to concentrate on only a few navigation waypoints instead of trying to keep track of everything you pass.

Collecting Features


When and where was DEA Agent KiKi Camarena found dead?

March 5, 1985


Name 3 tips to help you before and during your speech.

• Always rehearse your speech ahead of time.

• Write down the main points of your speech on note cards.

• Speak slowly and clearly.

• Make eye contact with members of the audience.

• Be mindful of your body language.

• Think positively.


What is the 1st sentence of Article IV (4) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?

I will always be loyal to my fellow Young Marines.


What are the three levels of our government?

National, State, and Local levels.


If you approach a person and they are unresponsive, you are obligated to help them. Helping someone who cannot give consent is covered under what law?

The Good Samaritan Law.


The purpose of this movement is to diminish a platoon of either three or four squads into two columns.

Column of Twos from the Right (or Left)


Young Marines in and out of uniform will ALWAYS respect the United States Flag and the National Anthem. If a Young Marine hears the National Anthem outdoors what should he/she do in and out of uniform. 

In uniform and outdoors, Young Marines will stand at Attention, face the flag, and render the proper hand salute until the music stops.

Out of uniform, Young Marines will stand at Attention and face the flag until the music stops. Young Marines may place their right hand over their heart. If the Young Marine is wearing a cap, the Young Marine will remove the cap with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.


What are the 6 bare minimum items to carry in your survival kit?

• matches 

• a signaling device (whistle)

• protection from your body from the elements (garbage bags)

• a container to heat water

• quick energy food

• adhesive bandages


Name 3 safety tips to keep your food safely stored and out of reach of animals.

• Always check with the parks first to learn their regulations for storing food.

• Always keep your food where it is easily available and never leave your food unattended.

• During the day, keep all of your food stored safely in a cooler.

• Be sure to secure your food, garbage, and other scented items first thing when you get to your campsite.

• Do not store food in your tent or backpack.

• Wash dirty dishes immediately.

• Do not attempt to burn excess food.


These are obvious features on the ground you can follow towards your target. They could be creeks, trails, power lines, fences, or even slopes of ridges and hills. What are these features called?



When did the National Family Partnership begin the first ever Red Ribbon Campaign with President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan as chairpersons?



What are 3 important points when giving a speech?

• Expression 

• Platform Presence 

• Voice and Speech


What is the 1st sentence of Article VI (6) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?

I will never forget that I am an American Youth and therefore the future of America, privileged with the freedom won and kept by the blood of those who fought to ensure our freedom.


Local governments can be as large as a county and as small as a town, however what laws will come first before anything else?

Federal or national laws.


Name 5 items that should be in your personal first aid kit.

• 6 adhesive bandages

• 2 sterile gauze pads, 3-by-3-inch

• 1 small roll of adhesive tape

• 1 moleskin, 3-by-6-inch

• 1 small bar of soap or alcohol pads

• 1 small tube of antiseptic

• 1 pair of scissors

• 1 pair of latex gloves

• 1 mouth-barrier device for rescue breathing or CPR

• 1 pair of plastic goggles or another eye protection

• 1 pencil with paper