The U.S is located in which hemisphere
What is the Northern Hemisphere
Coordinates on a map consist of _____
Latitude and Longitude
What is an imaginary line drawn from the North Pole through Greenwich, England to the South Pole?
What is the Prime Meridian
How many Time Zones are there
The 0 degree latitude line is called
What is the equator
The northernmost part of the Earth.
What is the North Pole?
35°N latitude and 78°W longitude
what is Miami Florida
True or False: Longitude lines always intersect lines of Latitude at 180°
How are Time Zones calculated?
By dividing longitude by 15. Time zones chage every 15°
What lines are drawn on the Globe
What are latitudes
What term describes half the Earth? Hemisphere, Semisphere, hemiglobe or Half
What is Hemisphere
What area lies north of 66°N?
What is the artic
The 0 degree of longitude is called?
What is the Prime Meridian
When it is Noon (12pm) in London (0° Longitude), what time is it in New York at approximately 75°W?.
Another name for great circle
What is the Equator
The symbol on a map which shows the cardinal and intermediate directions and their orientation on that map.
What is the Compass Rose
33°N latitude and 112°W longitude
What is Pheonix, Arozona
What line is represented by 180° longitude
What is the International Date Line
When it is Noon (12pm) in London, it is 10pm in Sydney, Australia. Dan in London rings his friend Boski in Sydney at 15.30pm on Christmas Day. What time is it in Sydney?
Time is 1.30 am on 26th December
What is the name of the parallel imaginary lines that run east and west around the globe?
What are latitude lines
In a global address, this is always listed first:
What is Latitude
29°N and 95°W
What is Houston, Texas
Longitude lines runs through a town in England called?
What is Greenwich
What does UTC means
Coordinated Universal Time
Lines that are parallel to the Equator are also known as
What are parallels of Latitude