Patient Health & Screening
Infection Control
Pre & Postoperative Care

The extravagant, careless, or needless expediture of government funds or the consumption of government property that results from deficient practices, systems controls, or decisions.

What is Waste? 



An enterprise-wide clinical information management system that provides secure online access to AD members, retirees and their beneficiaries' health care records.

What is Electronic Health Record (EHR)?



The person all incidents will be reported to.

What is the immediate work supervisors?

-"All incidents will be reported to immediate work supervisors and through the appropriate chain of command per local policy". (8)


The person you should notify if exposed to an infectious hazard.

What is the immediate supervisor?



Preoperative cleaning of the patient requres the patient to be scrubbed for this amount of time.

What is 2-3 minutes?


"A surgical scrub/prep is performed to prevent carrying contamination into the incision site.


Medical Asepsis

What is the Clean Technique that involves procedures used to reduce or prevent the spread of microorganisms?



Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance are all a part of this process.

What is the Coping Process?



Intentional wrongful or improper use of government resources.

What is Abuse?

-"Examples include misuse of  grade, position, or authority that causes the loss of misuse of resources such as tools, vehicles, computers, or copy machines". (13)


How you should treat exposure to any patient's bodily fluid.

What is treating any bodily fluid exposure as  an exposure to a blood-borne pathogen?



Three signatures required for consent to perform a surgery or medical procedure

What is the Patient, Doctor, and Third Party Witness



Definition of Sterilization

What is the process that "Eliminates and destroys all forms of microbial life (non-pathogens and pathogens), including spores"?



The 5 human needs categories.

What is Physiologic, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, Self-Esteem, Self-Actualization?



Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

"Documents that provide health and safety information about products, substances or chemicals that are classified as hazardous substances" (12)


How the pathogen escapes the reservoir host.

What is the Mouth, Nose, Eyes, Ears, Intestines, Urinary Tract, Reproductive Tract, Open Wounds?



What postoperative exercise prevents postoperative pulmonary complications?

What is Diaphragmatic and Controlled Coughing?


"Consecutive coughs help remove mucus more effectively and completely than one forceful cough" (71)


Device that prevents thrombus formation while improving venous return of blood to the heart post-surgery.

What is Pneumatic Compression Device?


-"Sleeve pressure shouldn't exceed the patient's diastolic pressure".


This system is used to document inpatient care for all servoce members and their beneficiaries.

What is Essentris?



What do you call measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived from information systems of the United States government related to national security?

What is Communications Security (COMSEC)?

-"COMSEC protection results from applying security measures to communications and information systems generating, handling, storing, processing, or using classified or sensitive government information". (7)


Host can be more suceptible to  a pathogen due to...

What id Location of Entry, Source of Organisms, State of Health, Age?



Water temperature when giving a bed bath.

What is between 110 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit?



Orthostatic Hypotension

-Tell me how much the BP has to drop

What is a drop in BP with the change from supine to sitting or sitting to standing?

A drop in 22 mmHg from patient's normal systolic BP or a 10 mmHg decrease from patient's diastolic pressure.

Combined with blurred vision, faintness, dizziness, or syncope.



If a patient refuses treatment.

What is

1. Notify the physician immediately

2. Give the patient an explination of risks and alternatives for refusing treatment

3. Document the encounter accordingly?



The Air Force Policy that states it is against policy for military members and civilian employees to engage in fraud, waste, or abuse.

What is FWA Policy?


Types of Sterilization Processes

What is Boiling Water, Radiation, Liquid or Gas Chemicals, Dry Heat, Steam Under Pressure?



Consequences of poor oral hygiene.

(Increased risk of...)

What is Stroke, Pneumonia and Heart Disease?


"1. Promotes better appetite 2. Maintains healthy state of the mouth, gums, teeth, and lips"