Which command will display the text 'Hello world!' on the screen?
A) print(Hello world!)
B) print("Hello world!")
C) print "Hello world!"
D) print = "Hello world!"
The Correct Answer is :
B) print("Hello world!")
What is a variable?
A) A piece of data that can change
B) A coding technique
C) A piece of data you cannot change
D) A special file
The correct answer is:
A) A piece of data that can change
Which command will correctly ask the user for their age?
A) age = input(How old are you?)
B) input("How old are you?") = age
C) How old are you = input()
D) age = input("How old are you?")
The correct answer is:
D) age = input("How old are you?")
myName = input() - Is myName a string, a function, a variable, or a method
A) String
B) Variable
C) Function
D) Method
The correct answer is:
B) Variable
What does input do?
A) It allows users to change the program
B) It allows a user to solve a task
C) It converts data types
D) It allows users to enter data
The correct answer is :
D) It allows users to enter data
What is the result of this command? print ("5" + "3")
A) 8
B) "8"
C) "5" + "3"
D) 53
The correct answer is :
D) 53
Which function will convert a number to a string?
A) int()
B) chr()
C) str()
D) ord()
The correct answer is :
C) str()
what data type is 3.95?
A) Integer
B) Float
C) String
D) Character
The correct answer is:
B) Float
Which decision statement will be triggered if the variable x is less than 20?
A) if x > 20:
B) if x == 20:
C) if x <> 20:
D) if x < 20:
The correct answer is:
D) if x < 20:
Which function will convert a string containing only digits into a number?
A) int()
B) ord()
C) chr()
D) str()
The correct answer is:
A) int()
What would the output of this code be if the user entered the value 70?
if grade >= 80:
elif grade >=70:
elif grade >= 60:
The correct answer is:
How would we fix this code?
name= "Bob"
The correct answer is:
Make 'Name' lower case
What effect does the # character have?
A) Tells Python that this is a really important line of code.
B) Tells Python to tweet when this line of code gets run.
C) Tells Python to ignore the rest of the line.
D) It does nothing, Python ignores this character.
The correct answer is:
C) Tells Python to ignore the rest of the line.
Which of these codes tests whether the variable x is the same as 'Hello'?
A) x = "Hello"
B) x == "Hello"
C) x != "Hello"
D) x <> "Hello"
The correct answer is:
B) x == "Hello"
What would the output of this program be?
The correct answer is: