The right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax.
Define use of money
Who had the right to the money and who in fact had use of the money.
What FORM is required to prepare a Quick Assessment
Form 2859
What TC's shows on IDRS to notify a Manual Refund has gone out with interest?
TC 840 and TC 770
Per the IRC 6631 what notice/or notice is issued to the Tac Payer.
What is another name for May Sequa is?
Rev Ruling 99-40
What IDRS command code is used to put a history on the taxpayers account?
List FORMs used to request a Manual Refund
Form 5792 and Form 3753
If an adjustment is input Wednesday Nov 13th, what will be the 23C Date?
Monday December 2nd
What is the proper TC on IDRS to identify Revenue Ruling 99-40.
TC 836
During the month of December if the ASED expires. How many days do you have to process the Quick?
90 Days
Manual Refunds are generated through Master File
Where can you find the 23C Date Chart
6209 Section 16
List what are the corporate filer installment dates
What letter is prepared and sent to the taxpayer after interest has been computed for the Quick Assessment
Letter 3535
List the TC and AC that indicates that a Manual Refund has been processed.
TC 971 AC 664
Name 3 ways to determine the interest "TO" date.
The waiver (agreement) date plus 30 days.
The 23C date of the tax assessment
The payment or Credit Date
What IRC provides that overpayment interest accrues on any overpayment.
IRC 6611
What notice is sent to the taxpayer notifying them of the Quick Assessment being processed. Also known as a Billing Notice?
Form 3552
If a Manual Refund is over $10 million what Form would you use?
Form 3753