What is the colour of the sky?
What is blue?
The woman who gave birth to you is your ______?
What is mother?
The h is signed in a clockwise motion.
What is Thursday?
Hold up the right S hand, palm facing self, and flick the index and middle fingers up.
What is twelve?
I'm hearing
What is "I hearing I"
A colour that represents the lush vegetation of our country
What is green?
Place the right A hand close to the right cheek and shake the hand back and forth from the wrist.
What is aunt?
In this month, we celebrate Emancipation Day.
What is August?
Hold down your dominant hand, palm facing in, with your index and middle fingers sticking out like an inverted letter 'V', while your thumb is tucked in between the two extended fingers.
What is letter P?
What is your name?
What is "Name you?"
When mixed, these two colours give you purple
What are red and blue?
Trace the right side of the jaw from ear to chin with the palm side of the right A-hand thumb. Then, with one movement, point both index fingers forward and bring them together.
What is sister?
In Grenada we celebrate Deaf Awareness Month in _____.
What is June?
This letter is signed by holding up your dominant hand in a fist, palm facing out. Then stick out your index finger and bend it into a hook.
What is letter X?
Where do you live?
What is "Where live you?"
This colour has the same name as a fruit
What is orange?
A term associated with a clock ______.
What is grandfather?
Sign language classes were held on these two days.
What are Monday and Wednesday?
This sign is done by bringing the right M fingertips down into the left flat hand.
What is thousand?
What does the abbreviation GSL mean?
What is Grenada Sign Language?
This sign is done by moving your open hands, palms facing your body, in a forward and backward motion, with your spread-out fingers passing through each other back and forth
What is grey?
Place the middle finger of the right P hand at the right temple, then at the right side of the chin.
This sign language tutor's birthday is in September.
Who is Mrs. Deserie John-Belfon?
This sign is done by holding up the right 1 hand, palm forward, and move it down a short distance as it changes to a 4 hand.
What is one-fourth?
I don't like that!
What is "Don't like"