Theatre Components
Semi - Proscenium
T = V(dm/dt)
Theater in the mostly Round
Jack in the Black Box

What is the large play space that action takes place on?

What is the Stage?


What does a Proscenium have to frame the play?

What is an arch?


Where did Thrust stages get their name?

What is a stage that Thrusts or Projects into the Audience?


What is Theater in the Round?

What is a central performance area with the audience surrounding on all sides?


What is a Black Box Theater?

What is a flexible performance space?


What is the group of people a play or production is put on for?

What is an Audience?

How deep is the stage of a Proscenium theater?

What is usually very deep, to contain many different scene changes for Opera? 


How many sides do Thrust stages have seating on?

What is Three?


Where do actors enter in a Theater in the Round?

What is the same entrances the audiences use?


Why are they called Black Box Theaters?

What is the entire room, floor, walls, ceilings are painted black.


What is the area where musicians play, which is often under or in front of the stage?

What is the Orchestra pit?


What is the part of a Proscenium Theater that allows the quick change of overhead or hung scenery?

What is a Fly Tower?


What polygon are most Thrust stages based on?

What is a Trapezoid?


What becomes the focus of a Theater in the Round?

What are the actors and the content of the play itself?

How high above the stage is the first row of the audience seated?
What is they are on the same level?

What is a more modern addition to almost all play spaces?

What are lighting and sound systems?

What is the area under the stage that allows the quick change of costumes or rapid entrances or exits for characters?

What is the Trap Pit?


Why does the Thrust stage exist?

What is to bring the actors closer to the audience?


What is the name of the entrances the audience and actors use?

What is a Vomitory?


What is one of the many challenges of designing in a Black Box theater?

What is everything has to be brought in or built for every show, seating, sets, lights, sound, props, curtains, everything. 


What is the name of the department that flies people, scenery, speakers, and curtains?

What is Rigging?


What type of production was a Proscenium Theater designed for?

What is Opera?


What is T=v(dm/dt) the formula for?

What is Thrust?


What polygon are all Theaters in the Round based on?

What is Theater in the Round can be many shapes, the important part is there is audience on all sides of the stage, no matter the shape of the stage.


What is the other name for a Black Box Theater?

What is a Studio Theater?