Geo 1
Geo 2
Geo 3
Geo 4
Geo 5

What are the lines of Latitude for the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn?

Tropic of Cancer: 23.5 degrees North

Tropic of Capricorn: 23.5 degrees South


What are lines of Latitude and Longitude?

Latitude - run East to West; measure North and South

Longitude - run North and South; measure East and West


What are some ways people have adapted to their environment?

Building, bridges, Dams, etc.


What is GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data.


What is GPS?

Global positioning system. 

an accurate worldwide navigational and surveying facility based on the reception of signals from an array of orbiting satellites.


Please give the following lines of Latitude: Equator, Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle

Equator: 0 degrees Latitude

Arctic Circle 66.5 degrees North

Antarctic Circle: 66.5 degrees South


What causes the Earth to have variations in temperature and sunlight across the planet?

The Earth's 23.5 degree tilt.


Time zones are established roughly every _____ degrees _______ so that local times correspond to similar hours of day and night.

(1) 15

(2) longitude 


What are the three types of "boundaries" created by the movement of tectonic plates?

When tectonic plates come into contact, changes on the earth’s surface occur. Three types of boundaries mark plate movements:

• Divergent boundary—Plates move apart, spreading horizontally.

• Convergent boundary—Plates collide, causing either one plate to dive under the other or the edges of both plates to crumple.

• Transform boundary—Plates slide past one another.


What are the major religions of the world?

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism


What is the prime meridian?

0 degrees longitude, divides the planet into Eastern and Western himispheres


What are push and pull factors? Please give an example.

Push factors describe the reasons that individuals might emigrate from their homes, including poverty, lack of social mobility, violence, or persecution. Pull factors describe the reasons that an individual might settle in a particular country.


A group that shares a geographic region, a sense of

identity, and a culture is called a ________.



What are chemical and mechanical weathering?

Chemical weathering occurs when rock is changed into a new substance as a result of interaction between elements in the air or water and the minerals in the rock.

Processes that break rock into smaller pieces are referred to as mechanical weathering. Mechanical weathering does not change the composition of the rock—only its size.


What are the two types of cultural landscapes?

Urban cultural landscape of a city includes buildings, streets, signs, parking lots, and vehicles. 

Rural cultural landscape includes fields, orchards, fences, barns, and farms. 


What defines an "Arid" climate?

Less than 10'' of rain per year


What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is short term, and climate is the average weather over a long period of time


What are the 3 types of Regions?


How does weathering vary according to climate?

Climates that are warm and moist will produce more chemical weathering than do cool dry areas. Rocks in cold dry and hot dry areas generally experience more mechanical weathering than chemical weathering.


How many time zones are in the United States?


Please list AND describe the 5 Themes of Geography.

Movement - movement and migration across the planet

Region - have some sort of characteristic that unifies the area (Formal regions, functional regions, vernacular regions)

Human Environment Interaction - how humans interact with and affect their environment

Location - absolute and relative

Place - human and physical characteristics of a location 


What are the four types of plate movement?

1) spreading, or moving apart; 

2) subduction, or diving under another


3) collision, or crashing into one another; 

4) sliding past each other in a shearing motion.


Please list and describe the 8 factors of a human culture. 

• food and shelter 

• education

• religion 

• security/protection

• relationships to family and others 

• political and social organization

• language 

• creative expression


What are five factors affecting soil composition?

• Parent material The chemical composition of the original rock, or parent rock, before it decomposes affects its fertility.

• Relief Steeper slopes, such as mountainsides, are eroded easily and do not produce soil quickly.

• Organisms Organisms include plants, small animals like worms, ants, and bacteria that decompose material. They help to loosen soil and supply nutrients for plants.

• Climate Hot climates produce a soil different from that produced by

cold climates. Wet climates and dry climates produce soils that are different from each other as well.

• Time The amount of time to produce soil varies, but a very rough average is about 2.5 cubic centimeters per century.


What are they two main field of Geography? Please describe. 

Human geography is the study of human activity and its relationship to the earth’s surface. Human geographers examine the spatial distribution of human populations, religions, languages, ethnicity, political systems, economics, urban dynamics, and other human activity.

Physical geography is the spatial study of natural phenomena in the environment, such as rivers, mountains, landforms, weather, climate, soils, plants, and any other physical aspects of the earth’s surface.