name and spell the name of the spanish teacher who cried and cried when basils closed
what date did basils close
oct 8th 2020
where did crab go to college
texas tech
name all the basils plays in order
hairspay, mama mia, the wiz, highschool musical
who was our senior class president (first and last)
maria abraham
who had a pet named kiki? what animal was it?
mr. verni - a bird
what did steph kim get suspended for
spell the beloved piano teachers name
what was our halloween theme senior yr
name 3 basils dances we attended (excluding prom)
soph hop, autumn classic, winter,,,
name all 4 religion teachers
rash, verni, sokol, stanton
what is the name of the event that is strictly for seniors that involves refreshments and quality time together
victorian tea
who was the name of the music conductor who had a vag for a booty
mr. alex shmauck
who played troy in hsm
calleb datto and thomas eble
what is the event where we had to hug every person in our class
forgiveness day
once a basils girl.....
always a basils girl
what was shannon's backpack senior yr
name if the girl who played the harp
carie, maddie stampone, lauren metro, alexandra mahoney
what was the name of the teacher who would dj on fridays
dj meko mills
what two teachers were cousins
mr. mascion and mrs. violi
who was the president of the black student union
tia taylor
who was our vice president
shannon remolde
whose face did steph kim sit on
when was basils founded