Both Camp groups are called this.
What are Panda's and Koala's.
What is City Point/ Downtown Brooklyn?
How many days are in a leap year?
365.25/ 366 Days
What is the largest bird?
What is Ostrich?
Panda's typically eat this as thier main diet.
What is bamboo?
What is Brown and Koala bear?
The location of the Upper Campus
If you have a fever or you want to measure the tempature of the air, you use me.
What is a thermometer?
What direcction do birds migrate during the winter?
True or False, in the winter, the Earth is closest to the sun.
What is Africa? What is Sahara Desert?
What is Asia?
There are this many campuses of BASIS in New York City.
The Disney/Pixar movie Rataoullie takes place in this city.
What is Paris,France?
What is the larget big cat in the world? Bonus points for weight!
What is Tiger? What is 660lbs?
What is the Mariana Trench?
The third camp group name.
What are Sun Bears?
How many floors are in the lower campus? Including floors kids aren't allowed on.
What is 5 Floors?
A Rainforest if found on every continent except this one.
What is Antartica?
This mammal communicates with deep rumbling noises pitched too low for human ears to hear, what is it?
What is 9 Weeks?
Name at least 5 of the 9 elements in the lower campus.
What are, Potassium, Titanium, Califonium, Francium, Hydrogen, Helium, Platnium, Xenon, Calcium?
What is Zodiac/ The elliptic?
The scientific name for a Gorilla.