Who descended upon the Muslim army to help them?
The angels
What is the name of the first surah in the Quran?
Surah Fatiha
Define the Arabic word "Shaheed"
Define the Arabic word "Kufr"
Disbeliever, faithless
The day when the two forces met?
17 Ramadan 2 A.H.
How many men were in the Muslim army?
300-317 men
How many horses and camels Muslim army have
2 Horses and 70 camels
What does the word "jihad" mean?
"Striving" or "Struggling" in the way of Allah.
Traditionally, how did the Arabs start their battles? What did they do before the armies engage in the full-out battle?
Each side sends out their champions to fight each other before their armies fight.
Who was the first Muslim to die in battle fighting for Islam?
Give 3 examples of "jihad"
How many mushrikeen (Quraish) were killed?
Who was the most terrible of Rasulullah's enemies?
Abu Jahl
How many men, camels, and horses did the Quraish have?
1000 men
700 camels
100 horses
How many Muslims were martyred (killed)?
Name the Surah that was revealed in reference of Battle of Badr
Surah Anfal
Who did the Prophet Muhammed send to fight in the beginning?
Ubaidah bin Al Harith, Hamzah and Ali
Who was the commander of the Muslim army?
Prophet Muhammed
Explain how the Battle of Badr ended up taking place. Why? How?
The Prophet heard that the Quraish's caravan of weapons was going to be used to attack the Muslims. When he received the news, he gathered the Muslims and went to Badr, a place about 100 miles southwest of Medinah. They also learned that a huge force of Quraish were coming towards Badr.
What was the ransom for prisoners?
If they paid the ransom.
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