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In which book does a character's name have a homonym?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book does Papa say that he never wore shoes as a kid?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a character like words, rules, and numbers?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book does a character say that her dog crawls under the covers with her at night and if she wakes up, the dog is smashed against her body and has rested her head across the character's neck?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book was the little church packed on Sunday morning after everyone had been up late the night before?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a teacher say, "Making a mistake is accidental. Breaking a rule is deliberate"?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book do horses begin to stamp and snort as the fire flared?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a character think she might have recognized a horse?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book did a brother save the last of Mama's apple preserves for his sister's breakfast?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a character pick figs while her mama picks elderberries?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book do many families walk to town to watch 3 men vote?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does the "Queen of the world' tell two boys to go and slay a dragon for her?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book is a character in the only fifth grade classroom in her town?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book do children in one family take turns going to school and staying home to help their parents?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a teacher say that confusing "homophone" and :homonym" is a common mistake?

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin


In which book is a character the subject of the pastor's sermon because of her bravery?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper


In which book does a store owner say that it is half-price day when a character only ha 25 cents to pay for 50 cents of medicine?

Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. Draper