What is the Titanic author's name?
What is Humphrey author's name?
What is Soccer Shootout author's name?
What is Ghost author's last name?
What is Goldie author's name?
Where did George like to go at home to clear his mind?
the woods
What does Heidi Hopper need to work on?
Raising her hand
Ryan was chosen as goalie
What disease does Maya have?
Cystic Fibrosis
Who adopted Goldie?
Sammy's family
How many people survived the Titanic and made it out of the water?
What does Og always say?
What position did Peter play?
What is the name of the new town that the family moves to?
Bahia de la Luna
What did Goldie do to the signs Lizzie made?
Shredded them/Chewed them
How old is Phoebe?
8 years old
What is the name of the cat that chases Humphrey?
What were the code words the boys would yell out to help Ryan in goal?
'Now' and 'Goal'
What instrument does Cat play with Carlos's family at the party?
What is Sammy's older dog's name?
What story did George compare Phoebe's lemon drops to?
What is the name of the school Humphrey is at?
Longfellow School
Why did Ryan think that Berk came and knocked on his door?
To gloat/To brag
What place in the town is where the ghost and human world most overlap?
The Mission
What did the older couple want to do with Goldie if they adopted her?
Take her to Florida in an RV