Pony- Boy
He is Pony- Boy Oldest Brother.
Who is Darry?
It was Katherine's husband, Jimmy Global, family nickname, i.e. Cookie.
Who was Snook?
W.E.B. DuBois and Brooker T. Washington were a part of this exclusive fraternity.
Who were the " race men?"
"Jet engines were replacing propellers." (137) Moving at this supersonic to hypersonic speeds.
What is Mach 1?
In April of 1951(this Electric Lady) at age twenty-six, started working at Langley's West Computing Dept.
Who was Mary Winston-Jackson?
Pony's is not in his right grade based on this Special Education occurrence in school.
What is a Double Promotion?
Katherine's three children marveled at moving on up, unlike the T.V. show Good Times (in a dynamic black community) but more like the show the show The Jeffersons (soldily into the middle class) after whispering these three words to her husband they would have the best of both worlds.
What was, "Let's do it?" (120)
He was the Dean of West Virginia State University (in the early 1920s) and earned his PhD from Harvard seventeen years after DuBois; Feburary is a recurrence of his major in History.
Who is Carter G. Woodson?
In 1954 Thurgood Marshall, the NAACP's chief counsel, consolidated Moton High School to this landmark US Supreme Court decision that banned segregation in all public schools in the U.S.A .
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
She pledged this sorority, across burning sands, as an undergraduate at Hampton Institute; sistah soro's include Dorothy Vaughan and present company our beloved OPPA counselor Ms. Jones.
What is the Pink & Green of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA)?
Pony was kind of sweet on her; especially after she "water-falled" that coke.
Who is Cherry?
DAILY DOUBLE!! It was Katherine's entry -level fate/ rate at when she was first hired at Langley.
What was level 3 subprofessional (SP-3)? (121)
Katherine was this age when she entered West Virginia State College. Your soon to be age as a second semester freshman in Highschool.
What is fifteen years- old?
Already a Phenix High School graduate of the highest honor, Mary had to get this in order to enter musty old Hampton High School for professional engineer-in- training.
What was "special permission" from the court?
Listen here; It's a favorite scene in the movie and a song from the soundtrack too; but the book had Katherine's friend, Mary, doing this furture tense verb also.
What is Running?
Smelling of whiskey and Leather English, he said, "You could use a bath, greaser." His fate would befall him shortly thereafter.
Who was Bob a Socs?
Vaughan sent Katherine to rotate to this Flight Research Division located here.
What was Building 1244? (122)
Henry Waters Taft lawyer and brother to President William Howard Taft learned this version of a standard form of counting from Katherine, in I (one) day.
What is she taught him Roman numerals?
It was the kind of thing Mary would shake her head about, laughing to keep from crying.
What was the cruelty of racial prejudice?
Mary exclaimed with new found revelation, "We are never going to sing this again," to her Girl Scout Troop #11jumpdownturnaround
What is Pick a Bale of Cotton?
It was the poem Pony recalled, written by the same poet that read that penned Crescent's theme.
Who was Robert Frost?
This will occur through the unfamiliar language and customs of an intergrated life; you know I what mean...
What is code-shifting? (123)
West Virginia State College was Katherines' OPPA will soon be yours.
What is an alma mater?
Fresh out of the University of Michigan, Thomas Byrdsong was still thought of as having this idiom attached to him by senoir white engineers like ironically, Rainey.
What is wet behind the ears?
These are a few friends who were labeled as "firebrands" wherein the U.S. government restricted or revoked their passports for criticism of American domestic policy during the Cold War.
Who were Paul Robeson, Josephine Baker, and W.E.B. DuBois?