Stephen King
1990's #1 Hits
A Party
It Was The 90's
1990's TV Shows
The inspiration for this novel came when king's daughter's cat was killed by a passing truck
What is Pet Semetary?
"Wild Wild West" was a chart-topper performed by this star of the 1999 movie
Who is Will Smith?
An overnight get-together for kids in which the participants wear pajamas & stay up most of the night talking
What is a Sleepover (or a slumber party)?
It was before I had a cell phone, so when I said, "hit me on the hip" I meant contact me via this device
What is a pager?
A young physician makes a new life for herself in the Old West
What is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?
Like "The Shining", "Misery" deals with a writer stuck in this high altitude U.S. state during winter.
What is Colorado?
Right Said Fred hit No. 1 with this 3-word title
What is I'm Too Sexy?
This type of shindig with all-white garb was made popular by the film "Animal House"
What is a Toga Party?
The "pump" from this company was a shoe you pumped up with air for a snugger fit
What is Reebok?
A young woman's murder in a small Pacific northwest town leads to a mystery
What is Twin Peaks?
"The Wizard and Glass" is one entry in this series
What is the Dark Tower?
"I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" by this singer was tops for 5 weeks in 1993
Who is Meatloaf?
Close off both ends of the street & turn up the music; it's time for this kind of neighborhood party
What is a Block Party?
Suzanne Somers squeezed out a small fortune advertising this exercise product in the 1990s; I've still got mine
What is a thigh master?
A free-spirited yoga instructor marries a conservative attorney on their first date
What is Dharma & Greg?
It's the full name of the town visited by vampires in "'Salem's Lot"
What is Jerusalem's Lot?
The record co. wanted to lose the vocal effect as she sang, "Do You Believe In Life After Love?"; she said no & hit No. 1
Who is Cher?
Guess the girth is a popular game at this type of get-together
What is A Baby Shower?
This global phenomenon featuring a guy in a red & white striped shirt & cap sold 47 million books worldwide. See if you can spot him.
What is Where's Waldo?
Staffers must stop the dimwitted mayor of NYC from making a fool of himself
What is Spin City?
These spirits of dead miners who try to warn the living of cave-ins may have inspired king's 1987 novel of the same name. Hint: Knock, Knock
What is Tommyknockers?
The first song to hit No. 1 in the '90s was "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You", emoted by this singer
Who is Michael Bolton?
From the French for "evening", this word for a party can also be followed by "dansante"
What is a soiree?
Infomercials helped popularize this martial arts-based workout with a Korean-derived name.
What is Tae Bo?
A self-absorbed TV personality urges his audience, "No flipping" on this spoof of late night talk shows.
What is the Larry Sanders Show?