How many measures of flour were used to hide the leaven in the parable of the leaven?
Matt 13:33
Jesus said “If he hath BLANK to BLANK let him BLANK.”
Ears, hear (Mark 4:9)
To whom did the angel Gabriel appear to announce the birth of Jesus?
- Reference:Luke 1:26-31
How many fish were caught in the miracle of the drought of fishes?
153 fish. John 21:11
This Gospel Artist is named after a King in the Bible.
Hint: He sings “Every Praise”
Hezekiah Walker
Which disciple was told to catch a fish that would hold a coin in its mouth?
Matt 17:24-27
What isn’t brought to be put under a bushel or bed?
A candle (Mark 4:21)
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what job did the younger son take up after he had spent all his inheritance?
Answer:Feeding pigs
- Reference:Luke 15:15
What location does John baptize others?
Bethabara, beyond Jordan. (Or if they state "the River Jordan") John 1:28
Finish the Lyrics:
“Lift up your heads all ye gates, ________”
And be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors
(“Your Name” Shekinah Glory)
In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, why were some of the labourers unhappy with being paid only one penny?
Some worked less hours for the same pay
Matt 20:1-16
What was the name of the unclean spirit Jesus commanded to come out of the man in Mark chapter 5?
Legion (Mark 5:9)
What was the occupation of Peter, James, and John before they became disciples of Jesus?
- Reference:Luke 5:10
To who did Jesus say, "Ye must be born again"?
Nicodemus. John 3:4-7
“I’m going up yonder to be with” who?
“My Lord”
(Going Up Yonder - Walter Hawkins)
What objects did the ten virgins take with them in the parable?
Matt 25:1
Where did the unclean spirit go?
Into a herd of pigs (Mark 5:12-13)
In which village did Jesus have dinner with two disciples after His resurrection, where He was recognized when He broke the bread?
- Reference:Luke 24:13-31
What did John the Baptist say when he saw Jesus?
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" John 1:29
Why do Mary Mary want the shackles off their feet?
“So I can dance” (“So they can dance” is accepted)
(Shackles - MaryMary)
At the judgement, Jesus will separate the people like a shepherd separates the sheep and which other animals?
Matt 25:32
Who said “If I touch but his clothes I will be whole?”
The woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5:25-28)
What prayer did Jesus teach His disciples?
- Answer:The Lord’s Prayer
- Reference:Luke 11:2-4
What did Jesus say he would leave with the disciples?
The Holy Spirit (John 14:26)
What is Todd Dulaney hiding in his heart?
“Proverbs 3” - Todd Dulaney