WOW Customer Service
Service Plans

When greeting the customer, this is a simple, powerful way to make them feel valued as an individual.

What is using the customer's name?

This is the best way to treat a home according to Aptive standards, providing effectiveness and consistency.

What is the treatment checklist?

This Service plan includes mosquitoes.

What is the premium plan?


These items of PPE should be worn anytime you are mixing, loading, applying, or handling pesticides.

What are gloves, glasses, long sleeve shirt, pants, and waterproof boots?


This is how often you should charge your backpack battery.

What is every night?


This is what you should do if you do not know the answer to a customer's question or concern.

What is - be honest, tell the customer you are not sure, find out the answer, and follow up with them when you find it?


This is the first area we treat on the exterior of the home.

What are the eaves?


A customer must at least upgrade to this service plan to be able to add German Roaches.

What is the Pro plan?


This is the app we log in to every time we begin driving our vehicle that encourages safe driving habits.

What is Motive?


This piece of equipment is used to apply dust into wall voids.

What is a bulb duster?


This is a great way to acknowledge a customer's concern and connect in a meaningful way before asking clarifying questions.

What is empathy?


These are the dimensions of the foundation treatment in your state.

What is 6x6in in CA, and 3 feet up spray x 5 foot out granules in OR and WA?

Wasp traps and indoor fly traps are included in these plans.

What are the pro and premium plans?

This is Aptive's attic policy.

What is - we only treat attics with solid finished flooring. A landing area can provide a space for rodent traps?


You should always do this before putting away your one gallon B&G sprayer.

Depressurize it slowly with the nozzle held in the air.


This is one reason it is so important to set proper expectations with the customer.

What is avoiding reservices, satisfying the customer, meeting expectations, avoiding cancellations, etc? (Trainers will judge response)

This is how we should treat pest hot spots like mulch beds, bushes, shrubs, and around trees vs. how we spray the yard.

What is slow down and provide a heavier treatment?


This plan includes all specialty pests except for mosquitoes.

What is the pro plan?


This is how all of your products should be stored in your vehicle.

What is upright, lids on, and in a toolbox?


If your B&G nozzle is clogged, you should use this to clean it.

What is a small brush?


This is the app you can use to track your metrics and performance points for your bonus.

What is Sigma?


This is the best way to demonstrate the value of our service.

What is sending the customer pictures of how we delivered value during our service?

This is the app we use to provide upgrade options to the customer.
What is the FSA (Field Service App)?

These two things cannot be stored in the cab of a vehicle.

What are products and equipment?


This person is responsible for all of your equipment, including maintenance and care.

Who is ME? (yes, you the Service Pro)