Dr. Drake Ramoray was the character Joey played on this show
What is "Days of Our Lives"
This guitarist played on Michael Jackon's song "Beat It"
Who is Eddie Van Halen?
Captain America is from this county.
What is Kings County (Brooklyn NY)?
The Easter Bunny tradition originated in which country?
What is Germany?
These now-extinct animals were still alive hundreds of years after the pyramids of Giza were built.
What are woolly mammoths?
Raj plays this rhythmic instrument
What is the tabla?
Who is Phil Collins?
This is Disney's youngest princess.
Who is Snow White? (14 years old in the story)
Easter eggs were first dyed to signify this
What is the blood of Jesus Christ?
The Great Wall of China was completed in this decade.
What are the 1870s?
The occupation of Rachel's fiancé Barry Farber
What is an orthodontist?
A-ha comes from this country.
What is Norway?
Dr. Strange is this kind of doctor.
What is a neurosurgeon?
Buying this for Easter is said to bring good luck for the rest of the year
What are new clothes?
The Strasbourg plague in 1518 caused people to do this for days
What is dancing?
This is the comic book haven for the Big Bang Theory gang
What is the Comic Center?
This motivational song was featured in "Rocky III"
What is Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger"?
This is Disney's oldest princess
Who is Kida from Atlantis? (8,500 years old)
Americans eat 1.5 billion of these candies during Easter season
What are Peeps?
This ancient society invented toothpaste 5,000 years ago.
What is ancient Egypt?
This member of the British royal family appeared on an episode of FRIENDS
Who is Sarah Ferguson?
This item is tucked into Bruce Springsteen's Back Pocket On The Born In The USA Album Cover
What is a red baseball cap?
This material is used to make Captain America's shield and Bucky's arm.
What is Vibranium?
Easter's date is determined every year by what?
What is the moon?
This is the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different sciences (physics and chemistry)
Who is Marie Curie?